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My Skydio videos

Just watched your videos - so cool! Want to film something like this this my partner, perfect idea!
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Went out Yesterday and was able to fly 6 batteries worth of flights, No disconnects and tracking was spot on. I pushed the speeds a little to see if that would cause any disconnects but the drone hung in there fine. It was a little flakey a few times getting the beacon to connect to the drone and subsequent phone connection to the beacon. A couple times it wasn't happening, turned everything off and started over and it connected, synched up immediately and flew fine. This first video is the end of the day, it's the open easy terrain. The second video is a little more challenging.

This was yesterdays spin on the ebike. I've had the opportunity to fly the drone more so I've been trying to take advantage of that. Often our winds are too strong this time of year to fly, this one was in 20-30mph winds, later in the day they were gusting to 55mph. Enjoy.

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Black Range of the Gila Mountains
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Really like your editing skills. How you cut back and forth between different different cameras and different video settings makes it a pleasure to watch....Thx for sharing
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I can't complain, this SD2 has been working great, 3 batteries, no hiccups (y)
Here's another.

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Very nice!
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Here's some drone video we shot yesterday, I had updated everything a week or so ago and did some test flights then powered it up the night before this ride and there was another update, I decided to take it easy in case it was flaky. I noticed a couple things, disconnects seemed more frequent, I probably had 3 over 3 batteries. Now when it looses me it's usually because something blocked visual tracking (2:30). Also it didn't want to reliably track when set out at the furthest distance when asked to go over 30mph, that could be wind related. Otherwise it did well.
I noticed lots of changes in the info provided by the beacon screen irt what's doing what connectivity wise.
Couple things. My S2 often gets confused when there are two subjects in close proximity.

Second I find tracking is better with high contrast subjects. My S2 doesn't lose a bright yellow Jeep, but has a lot of problems with a dark one. I see your fenders and other parts of the bike are brightly colored but it would be interesting to wear say a brightly colored jacket and see if you have different results.

Annoying thing is I don't remember this being a problem in the early firmware.
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Here's some drone video we shot yesterday, I had updated everything a week or so ago and did some test flights then powered it up the night before this ride and there was another update, I decided to take it easy in case it was flaky. I noticed a couple things, disconnects seemed more frequent, I probably had 3 over 3 batteries. Now when it looses me it's usually because something blocked visual tracking (2:30). Also it didn't want to reliably track when set out at the furthest distance when asked to go over 30mph, that could be wind related. Otherwise it did well.
I noticed lots of changes in the info provided by the beacon screen irt what's doing what connectivity wise.
Do you have the number of the latest update? I'm gonna have to check when I get home to see if I need to fire it up and get up to date...again. Thanks.
I can't tell you w/o firing it up but it seems to me like there's been 2 recently, I haven't flown much over the winter so I haven't kept up.
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I can't tell you w/o firing it up but it seems to me like there's been 2 recently, I haven't flown much over the winter so I haven't kept up.
Thanks, I'll check tonight. Seems to update at the worst possible times.
One thing I often wondered was if color had anything to do with its tracking ability... I might have to try that idea with a buddy's red jeep. But I got mine back from being fixed like over a month ago and I have yet been able to get it out due to weather...
IMO subject contrast does make a difference when it's close in, we often ride bikes that are the same colors and our gear isn't that much different. Having two similarly colored riders in the same picture when using visual tracking it's not uncommon for it to switch to tracking the other rider. That's not a factor when it's using GPS tracking since it's not tracking that close but if the two riders split the drone tracks the person with the beacon. All of the disconnects except where it lost me when I went out of sight in the bottom of the arroyo crossing were well beyond visual tracking range. The issues I had were signal loss and not a visual tracking issue. That being said I've gotten very good at recognizing and re-establishing connectivity. The drone stops when it looses the connection, that usually means I have to turn back if I don't recognize it right away and can't still see the drone otherwise I just stop where I'm at, I push the blue button a couple times, then I try to wand it, between those two efforts it wakes it up to the beacon, I then tell it to come in close and I reset the position and take off again. Sometimes it's only 30 seconds to get back going.
Got the drone out saturday before it got too hot. This was the first flight since the big update. I flew 3 batteries with zero drama, no disconnects and gave the avoidance a workout, like always if I slow down appropriately in the difficult areas the drone navigates them really well. No other drone will do this.

What I did notice is a lagging on the gimbal repositioning as the subject veers off the drone's current path to the point it's noticeable and the subject can leave the screen during fairly routine tracking. That's new and I'm hoping it'll get better the more it tracks, didn't notice that prior to this update.

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