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Airwolf's latest activity

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    Airwolf replied to the thread 3D Scan compared to Leica RTC360.
    Interesting points that got me thinking. I'm going to have to find a computer that has Agisoft Photoscan so I can manually stich the...
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    Airwolf replied to the thread 3D Scan Map capture.
    Yes, you can't see the image because the on-board processing produced only that as the model. What was the flight elevation you set for...
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    Using 3D Scan Map capture on the Skydio X10 and I am not getting a proper model when the scan is completed, and the images are...
    • Orthophoto.jpg
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    Airwolf replied to the thread 3D Scan compared to Leica RTC360.
    Using 3D Scan Map capture on the Skydio X10 and I am not getting a proper model when the scan is completed, and the images are...
    • Orthophoto.jpg
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    Airwolf replied to the thread NEW SKYDIO X10 PILOT.
    The thing is that I just don't have the 5G option at all. The only time the globe is marked with a green check is when I'm connected to...