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Recent content by BlueHeeler

  1. BlueHeeler

    Skydio 2 on Android?

    Update: The Skydio App on my Tripltek is working properly after a few rounds of trying to connect to it, so I take back what I originally stated below, but then again the App is no longer on Google Play, Google may have removed it, who knows. You're not kidding, I just searched on the App Store...
  2. BlueHeeler

    Skydio tablet mount wtb

    This. I bought 2 sets, they work well and hard to break.
  3. BlueHeeler

    Skydio 2 firmware updates going forward?

    I check once a month, nothing since. It would be nice if they threw some scraps at us once in awhile ( firmware or software updates ). Come on Adam, stop being stingy. :mad:
  4. BlueHeeler

    X10 pilot in Tx

    So no face to face hands on training from Skydio and you're an Enterprise customer ????
  5. BlueHeeler

    Skydio Ad on the Frndly Channel

    Same here until the other night, the Ad aired again last night around 8 pm, same channel and show.
  6. BlueHeeler

    Skydio Ad on the Frndly Channel

    I watch this channel on my cable for Gunsmoke reruns, some ads came on and as usual I ignore them, but one was Skydio showing off their X10, I literally did a double take because it was something I would not expect Skydio to do since they are now strickly enterprise, one has to wonder who...
  7. BlueHeeler

    Going right to the Horse’s Purview Skydio Help or not?

    Have you decided to send yours in for repairs ?
  8. BlueHeeler

    Skydio Enterprise

    Use any device you have so as long its compatible with the controller, on the Skydio website in the resource and support pages, there's a list of device they recommend. https://support.skydio.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036102194-What-devices-work-with-the-Skydio-app-and-Controller
  9. BlueHeeler

    Going right to the Horse’s Purview Skydio Help or not?

    wow, you received a "Reply", which of course is better than nothing. On the KV rating, I believe there have been discussions on the subject on this forum, it is something that Skydio keeps undisclosed. Keep us posted , please.
  10. BlueHeeler

    Going right to the Horse’s Purview Skydio Help or not?

    I really hope you get a reply from them, their Support page also has a phone number, try it : 855-463-5902 9am-9pm Eastern Time, Monday-Friday
  11. BlueHeeler

    Skydio Enterprise

    Skydio 2/2+ have Enterprise Software loaded in them, they do have an expiration date if not renewed. Fire the drone up as usual to see what happens, you may also have 2 cards in the battery compartment, the one on the left is for consumers, the other is for Enterprise use. Install the Skydio App...
  12. BlueHeeler

    Skydio Help exchanging a motor

    Parts from Skydio ?? You'd have better luck finding someone here with a crashed and completely useless drone who could sell you the parts you need.
  13. BlueHeeler

    Post-Consumer Skydio2/2+ Support

    Interesting to see there are no replies, does that mean nobody is crashing their drone ?? ( which is good ;) ) nor contacting Skydio for whatever reason.
  14. BlueHeeler

    Post-Consumer Skydio2/2+ Support

    Well it has been over a year since Skydio left the consumer market and their announcement of continued support for those who bought into their line of products as "Consumers", has there been anyone here that has had to get their drone(s) repaired due to whatever reason, what was your level of...
  15. BlueHeeler

    Skydio Landing Count Down NO case landing?

    It happens sometimes, I quit using the case ( not a good idea for a landing pad in my opinion ) and created my own landing pad with plywood, paint and other materials left from projects around the house, the only piece I paid for was a white vinyl skydio logo. The landing pad is round and 24...