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Recent content by Trailryder42

  1. Trailryder42

    White Mountains Sunset Video

    I tell you what. One of the best adjustments you can do in Resolve is to crank up the Mid Tone detail in the Color panel. For my off road moto videos I crank it up to around +56.
  2. Trailryder42

    What codec do you guys use H.264 or H.265 when recording 4k footage?

    I've tried a bunch. I like Davinci the best. Does more than I need. I keep my videos pretty simple. If you run into a wall and can't figure out how to do something, Youtube is a lot of help. You quickly learn what is important to you in making your videos and then develop a workflow. I've only...
  3. Trailryder42

    ATTENTION if you update to the latest version

    What are you calling wifi "customization"? I assume, changing the factory name and passwords to something easy to remember?
  4. Trailryder42

    Video editing software

    So I found a glitch in the free version of the Davinci software. After figuring out that I need to have exposure setting set to auto, I had my first successful flight the other day. Went to import it into Davinci and it wouldn't accept it. I had the video codec in the Skydio software set to...
  5. Trailryder42

    Video exposure is overblown

    Thanks all. Had my first successful flight today after correcting those settings. Had it follow me while riding some mountain bike trails. New question. Does shutter speed effect file size? When setting shutter speed to Auto, it apparently is ramping shutter speed up around 940 to get the...
  6. Trailryder42

    Video exposure is overblown

    I guess one effect of a higher shutter speed over using an ND filter to lower it, would be crisper video, as far as motion blur is concerned? I hate motion blur.
  7. Trailryder42

    Video exposure is overblown

    At iso 100 it took raising the shutter speed to 960 to bring the exposure down. Maybe its me, but I thought that was ridiculous. And I can bring exposure down with the EV adjustment, but it only goes to +/- 2 and I don't think I should need to use that as a bandaid. Got to wondering if my GoPro...
  8. Trailryder42

    Updating the battery cradle/dock

    Skydio literature says the battery blinks green while updating and is finished when solid green. That's what I have observed with my own as well.
  9. Trailryder42

    Video exposure is overblown

    Went to do some more testing with the drone today. Footage overblown again. WTF. Checked to make sure the ISO was still at 100, it was. I film at 60 FPS and as far as I know, you should set shutter speed to twice what FPS is, so I had it set to 120. Nothing I was doing was eliminating the...
  10. Trailryder42

    Video exposure is overblown

    Apparently, Auto ISO is screwing with me. Set it to 100 for the sunny day we have today and the footage is as expected. I would not have expected Auto ISO to be so off, especially for a sunny day without a cloud in the sky.
  11. Trailryder42

    Beacon & Drone connection and GPS

    I tried flying with the beacon today, connecting up with the phone (iPhone 11). I get the arrow at the top left of my phone screen to show GPS is active but the signal strength on the beacon is nil. Is that normal if the beacon is using the GPS signal the phone is getting? Do you have to leave...
  12. Trailryder42

    Video exposure is overblown

    Finally got some decent weather to fly in. In trying different camera settings, exposure is still overblown, a white-out. I've put everything on Auto and even decreased the exposure setting by-1. I'm making the camera adjustments "before flight", with the drone ON and it seems to calibrate...
  13. Trailryder42

    Rotate control not working

    Haven't tested it yet but was pondering why the drone rotate control input of the left stick on the controller isn't making the drone rotate. I'm thinking it's because after launching the drone, doing my first flight, I selected myself for it to lock on to. That function must be locked out when...
  14. Trailryder42

    Beacon & Drone connection and GPS

    That implies that the beacon, when used with the phone, is relying on the GPS signal that the phone is getting. And not its own GPS receiver, as it does when using it alone. I thought when using both beacon and phone, the phone was only providing a wifi signal.