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  • But considering the amount of damage and risk that it wouldn't work, I can't go to $500. At that price most folks can get Skydio to repair/replace their drones which usually runs between $300 to $500.

    Keep my contact info if you are willing to come down. I have PayPal when/if you are interested.

    Thanks, Brian
    I've got a shipping account with all the services so I'll supply you with a PDF shipping label so shipping isn't an issue.
    Im looking for 500+ shipping. Weight is about 5lb 9oz.
    Should fit in a flat rate USPS box for about $10-15.
    So what are you needing to get out of this? Cost without shipping.

    If you give me weight and dimensions I can buy the shipping label.

    I need it for parts but not 100% sure it'll work after so I'm not wanting to spend a bunch.
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