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3D scan user please share some info with us!


Nov 21, 2021
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There is so much smoke and mirrors in this company! Can someone who has purchased and is using the 3d Scan software please answer a couple of questions for us....

How much extra do we have to play to unlock the 3d scan feature...and is it yearly?
Can you export the photos so that we can use our own software that we already own which is metashape to process the scan?

It took 3 months until someone at support finally got back to me and that was AFTER i decided to finally order a unit for surveying and scanning and I am now hearing that it is a stupid amount of money and yearly just to use the function...or even just to look up costs extra!

Thank you in advance.
Do you ever get a response to this? I have tried to get a hold of them with no luck to purchase the AEF and 3D scan. Seems they only want to sell the ability to enterprise organizations. I ordered an S2 but just might send it back if they can’t even answer this simple question.
Do you ever get a response to this? I have tried to get a hold of them with no luck to purchase the AEF and 3D scan. Seems they only want to sell the ability to enterprise organizations. I ordered an S2 but just might send it back if they can’t even answer this simple question.
Nope and now i have only 1 week left before i can't return the drone and i haven't even tried to fly it on purpose. I need answer that the company does not provide unless you are a large company buying many units it seems from what i am reading online in forums.
Well I’m on day 16 of my S2 shipment with no response either. This is awful service. I can’t imagine if something happens to the drone. They simply don’t have enough people or really don’t care about the consumer side and only focus on enterprise. I did receive a email response from the online chat which direct you to email. They said I didn’t have a company email and that maybe that is why they didn’t respond! Really!?! And they asked me questions which were obviously large business focus. Either way I responded within mins and now nothing for 4 days. Sickening since I was banking on the AEF for my business plan. Not sure what to do now and I haven’t even received the drone yet.
Dotman finish the story? Did you pay up? I called prior to purchasing. You are correct they want big customers.

My thought is find a company(ies) that have partnered already. Contact them. Subcontract me. I fly they do the post process etc.
Yes. I finally got a hold of sales and solution experts through another user in this community. I am also trying this out for my company which how they allowed me a 30 day trial. However, I specifically asked the question of why they are not openly selling this to the consumer as advertised. The answer was they just want to focus on corporations. They also said they will eventually sell the Skills as an option to consumers but most likely never 3d scan. I have now been able to use the 3d scan a couple of times. It is pretty amazing to watch it work and think it’s way through the decisions of where to go and turn. Processing and rendering in Contectcapture is now my challenge but it’s getting better. It does not like windows and sun glare but that is typical.

Overall I have a few more weeks to try and will get more difficult scans before I ask to purchase. I am not happy with the answer for consumers cause I think some of us would buy it regardless. It has its own waypoints and/or cross hatches with google map backgrounds so basically everything you need.

How did you eventually purchase it ? I would like to have it for my own independent company instead of my day job company big name. I might have to beg for it but that is sad.
Yes. I finally got a hold of sales and solution experts through another user in this community. I am also trying this out for my company which how they allowed me a 30 day trial. However, I specifically asked the question of why they are not openly selling this to the consumer as advertised. The answer was they just want to focus on corporations. They also said they will eventually sell the Skills as an option to consumers but most likely never 3d scan. I have now been able to use the 3d scan a couple of times. It is pretty amazing to watch it work and think it’s way through the decisions of where to go and turn. Processing and rendering in Contectcapture is now my challenge but it’s getting better. It does not like windows and sun glare but that is typical.

Overall I have a few more weeks to try and will get more difficult scans before I ask to purchase. I am not happy with the answer for consumers cause I think some of us would buy it regardless. It has its own waypoints and/or cross hatches with google map backgrounds so basically everything you need.

How did you eventually purchase it ? I would like to have it for my own independent company instead of my day job company big name. I might have to beg for it but that is sad.
I am new at trying to figure out software requirements. Seems about three different software packages may be required. Cant drone deploy do the same? Maybe not as good? Or is it that you need pilot skills/planning to accomplish.
Yes. Once you speak with a rep they will ask you about why you need this and what your company is doing. Not sure you already have this but for everyone you will need to eventually buy the AEF skills AND the 3d scan. Both equal as of today $4500/yr. So if you want to 3d scan you have no choice since the AI is needed with the AEF. There is also the “enterprise” app instead of the standard S2. Btw I am only using my S2 and it is not the X2E and everything is fine.

I completed a 6 acre plat today using the 2d capture and you do the same thing as drone deploy using cross hatching and perimeter shots to make ortho pics. Put it all in and it goes by itself and comes home if it needs a battery. Too easy.

I also did my 40x50 barn in 3d capture. It took 917 photos in 23 mins. 2 batteries. Every shot was evenly placed with obliques using 80% overlapping. You can watch it model with a color scheme view to see any gaps. I have a fast machine but it still took 9 hours to stitch with CC.

Next was one of my old cars. 86 photos in 3 mins. Same perfect pic placement.

So can you do all of this in drone deploy/ pix4D? Sure can for mapping. With a P4P or another you can take the same pics just have to fly it yourself or use their apps.

Is it worth it? Still debating. Looking at the pricing for Pix4d mapper each yr vs Skydio all in. This is definitely a certain application kind of thing. P4P with a 1” sensor might be better for mapping. Anything close up for sure Skydio cause that is what it was made for. It will go to inches away with the 3d scan option. Which I tried on my old car! It simple will not go forward pushing the stick.

One more find. They have also teamed with Cesium to provide a review of your point cloud on your device in the field. I could then see if there were any holes or additional pics needed when it was done.

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