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Brand new Skydio2 Beacon won't charge

Have you tried a different cable? The one that came with S2 and that charges the batteries should work. If its not the cable, then IDK. Where'd you get a brand new beacon?
Okay thanks. Let me try your suggestion. I purchased my brand new skydio2 drone and kits including the beacon 3 yrs ago directly from SKydio. I kept the kit in my closet unopened until now when I have time to play with it. Everything else works except for the beacon. I wonder if this beacon issue is common.
Any results, or no time to try it yet?

If the cable you were using charges the batteries, thats likely not the problem. And if thats the case, I wonder if the battery in the beacon has died while in storage.

I'm no expert on batteries, but that's all I can think of as likely problem.
Wow. There was no problem after all. It was charging well after all. I was using the original cable and the reason it won’t turn on is because I only press the red square button. When I accidentally pressed both the Skydio logo and the red button, for some reason, it turned on! That wasn’t intuitive. In fact you can press any button at the same time with the other buttons and that will do the job. Kinda quirky. Not sure if the instruction manual mentions it.
Is that true for everyone?
Blue button is on. Red button, hold for 3 2 1, is off.

I just pressed right arrow, then blue, got a 3 option menu. Left arrow and blue turns it on....seems like left arrow aspect does nothing. Same stuff with red does nothing.

Just turn on with blue. Off with red. Good to hear it works!

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