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Controller Right Paddle Physical Zoom Question


New member
Dec 12, 2022
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According to the manual the right paddle of the controller should allow you to increase or decrease the distance the drone tracks a subject (physical zoom). The paddle doesn't seem to function at all on my 2+ with 21.0.64 firmware. The Pinch feature on the app does work but for me its a little hard to adjust. The feature does work with the beacon.

This feature is discussed on page 11 of the controller user guide and also in their flight school video Skydio Flight School - Flying with Skydio 2/2+ Controller
All I can say is "It works for me". That zoom paddle is really useful for certain manual shooting angles and transitions.

However it doesn't work in all of the cinematic modes. The cinematic modes don't show the controls onscreen when the controller is in use. You use the control sticks to change altitude or angle. But it doesn't seem too reliable or intuitive, as if it's using a different mode on the sticks - using the forward stick makes it fly up.

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