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Thanks for posting the video dd. Was the height floor turned on in your video?
Thanks for posting the video dd. Was the height floor turned on in your video?
No I had the height floor turned off. If you are asking about flying over the trees, I set it that high simply because I am still hesitant and learning what it will do. When I did bring it lower I rode very slow. I am going to a new trail today. It is more flat, but still a lot of trees. Maybe I will try speeding up a little.
I was wondering if it was on during the times under the canopy, it was wanting to rise up a little as it followed under the trees and that seemed to slow it some. We don't really have much like that here so I've not attempted a follow under a low tree canopy.
A few of us go for a walk around our building for breaks and I put up my drone up to follow us. I was using my phone, the Beacon and the height floor was turned on. It started out fine and then decided to go well below 8 ft and start tracking a fire hydrant. I don't know, maybe my A.I. Likes redheaded fire hydrants. Either way I thought it was odd. Walking
That is wierd.
Just before it went rogue its seemed to dart for the Skydio logo visible on the case you were carrying....

Try walking the same route with the logo not visible and see what happens.

Think I need some :coffee:... no scratch that .... make it a double ?....:)
I sent the video to Skydio. They said it looked odd and asked for the flight log. Im not overly concerned. I just turned it back and was good after that.
This one is just flying around with the controller at a local park. Veterans Park
I was also flying through trees seeing how it would dodge them with the controller. Dodge Tees
1 pass it did fine. I turned it and headed back only this time it stopped 3 times in front of some trees. No big deal, I just moved it to the side. I guess the A.I. is less dominant when you fly with the controller.
My guess is the AI always plays the same level of dominance no matter which accessory you use.

It sees two very different views (just like you would) when going through woods one way then another.

Experienced hikers know about that problem and avoid it by frequently looking backward when trying to find their way home.
A few of us go for a walk around our building for breaks and I put up my drone up to follow us. I was using my phone, the Beacon and the height floor was turned on. It started out fine and then decided to go well below 8 ft and start tracking a fire hydrant. I don't know, maybe my A.I. Likes redheaded fire hydrants. Either way I thought it was odd. Walking
I go t a response from Skydio about my drone tracking the fire hydrant. Seems like a copy and paste response.
"This was a combination of subject loss coupled with a not so good GPS Positional lock. They can help improve subject tracking by manually selecting a subject on the touch screen."
I did select myself on the screen. I had the blue ring around me. The not so good GPS makes since if it could not see me. Oh well, no harm done.

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