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Skydio Landing Count Down NO case landing?


Aug 28, 2024
Reaction score
Western NY
In the time I have flown my Skydio 2 I have experienced many landing count down timers. I want always to be close to my landing point when this timer starts.
I have practiced getting it over the case and then pressing LAND.
Like a champ it acquires the case and plops down, Ahhhh!

There was a time I guess that the drone was not controllable when the timer started?
I generally just fly it near the case, get some altitude and do a landing, not today.

I let the timer go to zero AND waited till it began to decent, with the drone about 25feet up and directly over the case.
Guess what? It did not acquire the case. It came close to the table and on screen a message said, unlevel terrain or something like that.
It moved to the side so the table was out of frame and landed in the grass. Why did it not just find the case and land like normal?

So, when it comes down and ignores the case it is time to catch it! Next time. But sorta dumb??
It happens sometimes, I quit using the case ( not a good idea for a landing pad in my opinion ) and created my own landing pad with plywood, paint and other materials left from projects around the house, the only piece I paid for was a white vinyl skydio logo. The landing pad is round and 24 inches in diameter, I have never had a mishap or bad landing since the landing area is completely level and flat, the drone always detected the logo too, try making your own pad for more successful landings.
No problem ever hitting the hard case. I look at this one time with the county down to mean it doesn't look for the case. It was lined up good. I think I will try again.

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