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Recent content by CrashMan

  1. C

    My Wheelin Videos

    Had some free time to mess around with some video
  2. C

    Hook plates..

    Give me email addy's and I will send it over
  3. C

    Hook plates..

    I have the file if anybody needs it.
  4. C

    Hook plates..

    There is a guy on ebay who sells printed ones. I had a buddy print some for me but they ended up being brittle and were the wrong side.
  5. C

    Hook plates..

    Anybody 3d printing nylon hook plates? I know the guy in alaska on ebay still sells them for $50. I had a landing mishap and caught a prop with my finger and it landed "poorly" lol. It wasn't even that hard and the printed hook plate I got broke and it broke way too easily IMO.... Figured...
  6. C

    My Skydio videos

    I noticed the same thing--a few times instead of being centered I was off to one side of the video.
  7. C

    Poor Customer Support, Crash warranty denied

    We talking about crash's---I am in :D
  8. C

    Newest update

    Got a chance to finally have some good weather and ran 3 batteries thru the drone. I can say the latest update--big improvement.. The time to launch seemed quicker When it went to gps tracking--it seemed like it was much better. Prior many times when it lost sight--it would act like a blind...
  9. C

    BEYOND frustrated...

    So far its working good and ya--$50 is too much IMO but I was in a pinch... Anybody have the file in case I locate a buddy with a printer?
  10. C

    BEYOND frustrated...

    I don't "yet" but this is what I have found so far and a few have said it holds up...
  11. C

    BEYOND frustrated...

    The hook plate is plastic though...
  12. C

    BEYOND frustrated...

    Tree strike--went down.... So far I can only find one guy printing replacement hook plates and looks like he is in alaska..
  13. C

    BEYOND frustrated...

    I just got it back from being fixed, first time out, less than a minute. Was hovering while I got into my rig when it went down...
  14. C

    My Skydio videos

    One thing I often wondered was if color had anything to do with its tracking ability... I might have to try that idea with a buddy's red jeep. But I got mine back from being fixed like over a month ago and I have yet been able to get it out due to weather...
  15. C

    Here I go again

    Another branch strike and it must have whacked a rock when it hit.