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Recent content by IronSKy1

  1. IronSKy1

    WTB Skydio 2 basic

    I may take you up on that. I usually just buy test and resell. You have the crash guards on yours? Which style I have 3 types. If you bought from ebay send me your ID and I can look up. THanks Paul
  2. IronSKy1

    WTB Skydio 2 basic

    Making change to our crash guards we sell on ebay and need basic Skydio 2 with 1 battery and controller
  3. IronSKy1

    NO LONGER NEEDED Skydio 2 or 2+ 1 Battery and Controller

    Yes months ago need to change ad
  4. IronSKy1

    GoPro Beacon Mount

    There are sevral on ebay skydio becon mount
  5. IronSKy1

    Skydio 2 + Jerking about 3 feet in all directions when in flight

    I beleive it is light (RoxyVon E3) interfereing with top nav cameras. Working on lighting design to go with our crash guards. Works fine when I stick light on top center with dual lock 3M tape. I have over 100 crash guards out there for almost 2.5 years without any problem. Thanks for input...
  6. IronSKy1

    Skydio 2 + Jerking about 3 feet in all directions when in flight

    Not yet. I have noticed the gimbal jerk as you note however, this is something else. It would be nice if you could turn obstcal avoidance off to aid in debug.
  7. IronSKy1

    Skydio 2 + Jerking about 3 feet in all directions when in flight

    Very starnge anyone seen this type of action see link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10KC5o-ZIspUi-Nr5rNlHhxdN517d93FU/view?usp=sharing
  8. IronSKy1

    Skydio S2+ Drone Package for sale --- $1200 ******SOLD******

    Just put through paypal ship to: alienconcepts inc Paul Bergetz 963 Interloch Ct ALgonquin IL 60102 708-370-2928
  9. IronSKy1

    NO LONGER NEEDED Skydio 2 or 2+ 1 Battery and Controller

    Need a Skydio 2 or 2+ with one battery and controller for testing on some new crash guard and lighting mounts Via PAYPAL only
  10. IronSKy1

    Skydio S2+ Drone Package for sale --- $1200 ******SOLD******

    I can do 1200 plus shipping. I need to go through Paypal is that ok with you. If interested send invoice to Paypal listing included items my account is [email protected] I would also be interested in a Skydio 2 instead of plus I only need 1 battery and controller for testing
  11. IronSKy1

    FAA Extends Remote ID Enforcement Date Six Months

    I just added my S2 + to my FAA account . I could not find were the actual serial number for RID is located in software. As a result I just added the base number from the range and it worked. Skydio Model: 2+ SDR35V2 FCC Identifier: 2ATQRSMODBV1 Serial #: 1668BS20FB000000 -...
  12. IronSKy1

    Skydio X10

    Very nice design. If it comes in at 10k would be good value . And it is made in USA. I spent way to much on DJI.
  13. IronSKy1

    5g verification

    Yes that is it. I will run some test on my analyzer the SSID will show up. ONce found I can lift and drop antenea to see how it behaves. Thanks
  14. IronSKy1

    5g verification

    That is what I am questioning this review is confusing 5g with range enhancement they clearly state 5g. I will have to connect and turning analyzer. Thanks