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Recent content by LyleCDG

  1. L

    3D Scan compared to Leica RTC360

    If the slope is 60%, is your overlap consistent? If flying at a constant altitude, the overlap at the top of the slope will be less that the bottom of the slope. I'm not yet familiar enough with Scan3D to know if you can fly at a constant AGL altitude or not. Also, are you using ground control...
  2. L

    3D Scan compared to Leica RTC360

    Wow.. crickets for over a year. lol. I've been doing photogrammetry with drones for many years. It is unlikely to ever get accurate measurements without some survey Ground Control Points (GCPs). A rule of thumb is to use 5 GCPs for every battery used during flight. I try to use a minimum of 5...
  3. L

    3D Scan Max outdoor coverage?

    We have a job opportunity where I've suggested flying our 2+ with 3D scan to capture things our laser scanner won't be able to. This is an industrial complex. The area of concern is a 1st story roof about 40 ft wide that is covering an alleyway between 3 & 4 story buildings over a distance of...
  4. L

    3D scan of intricate piping and industrial equipment

    Old post, but we just purchased the 2+ for similar things. I'm poking around here hoping to learn something. We've been using DJI Phantom drones and Pix4D for many years to construct 3D point clouds of existing conditions for our projects. That, coupled with terrestrial laser scanning is very...
  5. L


    Regarding photogrammetry software, I've used Pix4D (it's my go to photogrammetry software) for mapping and creating 3D point clouds that we use in Autodesk software such as Revit and Civil 3D. Autodesk's ReCap Photo works okay too, sometimes, but you just don't have as much control with it as...
  6. L

    3D Scan for Model vs Inspection

    I realize this post is over a year old, but I've just done a similar thing and have the same results. A lot of uncalibrated cameras in Pix4D. I've used a DJI Phantom 4 pro to do the same thing for many years with decent results. The mesh produced from Pix4D (or most other software I've used)...
  7. L

    Hello from St. Louis!

    Hey there! Long time DJI Phantom flyer for business. I just ordered a Skydio 2+ with the 3D Scan software. Looks like some awesome software. But I've now been noticing some Reddit discussions about problems and I'm a little nervous. lol. Anyway, I guess I'll find out how well it all works in a...