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Recent content by Matrixxdg

  1. Matrixxdg

    Selling my Skydio 2+ w/ Pro Kit

    I am looking to sell my Skydio 2+ Pro Kit. About 1 year old with less than 10 hrs of flight time. Would like $1,500 $1,300.00 for it, $2,300 invested. Or Best Offer The kit includes: Skydio 2+ Drone Beacon Controller 4 batteries ND Filters Strobe Light Dual battery charger...
  2. Matrixxdg

    Skydio 2+ Pro Kit For Sale

    I am looking to sell my Skydio 2+ Pro Kit. About 1 year old with less than 10 hrs of flight time. Would like $1,500 $1,300.00 for it, $2,300 invested. Or Best Offer The kit includes: Skydio 2+ Drone Beacon Controller 4 batteries ND Filters Strobe Light Dual battery charger...
  3. Matrixxdg

    update that damaged skydio 2

    So what is the issue?
  4. Matrixxdg

    Help me decide - questions I can't find answers to

    Hey PP, Let me know how it goes. After living in Anchorage and Fairbanks for many years I would be concerned about the 6 months with little to no sun. I am not sure where you live. The wife and I go to Alaska every year to visit family and I was definitely going to take my 2+ -MG-
  5. Matrixxdg

    Howdy y'all from Texas

    Hi FB, I live in the Spring area and bought my 2+ for roof inspections as well. Maybe we can get together and talk drones.
  6. Matrixxdg

    New To Skydio

    Hi All, Like Flying Buffalo I am in Houston and East Texas on the weekends. I bought the Skydio2+ Pro and I am anxiously awaiting it's arrival this Friday. I currently fly a Phantom 3 Advanced. -MG-