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update that damaged skydio 2


Feb 27, 2022
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the updates damaged my drone, they themselves already recognized that it's a software problem that doesn't help to send the drone to them, but no reailver!!!
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Yes things went South with that update. Even with the latest update my S2 is not performing like before.

1. I purchased the new S2+ Beacon which I am going to try next.
2. I purchased a new S2 which I will try after the Beacon.

I don't want to change too many variables at one time. I tried different Android devices and iPad's with similar results. I just want to get back to the rock solid tracking.
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Did the update this morning. I compared with/without phone and still had the same outcome---Beacon only still out performs. But I didn't feel like it worked any worse..
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Is there a NEW firmware? I've just checked the Google Play store and it's still showing as v15.11.36
Is there something more recent?
Funny, this morning I see that the the drone itself has a needed update. Must just be rolling out slowly. No update for the phone app though.
My S2 updated two days ago on power up, still crap. I don't think things will change until the app/beacon is updated.
My beacon (original S2) updated today as well. But, I'm not sure if this was a 'new' update since I have not used the beacon for months. Is there any way to see a version # on the beacon sw?
if you guy don't mind including the version numbers so we can all stay on the same page pls.

i flew my s2+ for the first time last week and i honestly don't think it flies better than my previous s2...maybe even a tad bit worse. the range is better and the connectivity is solid...but i just don't remember the s2 being all over the place and being so erratic at times. maybe it's because i haven't flown skydio in several months while i flew other drones but seeing the s2+ simply take off and doing it own thing with nobody or nothing behind the wheel for no apparent reason, well, it's a little shocking. was about to start a new post with my feelings and opinions but it sounds like others may have similar concerns?
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Your S2+ maybe suffering from the same software problems that the S2 is having.
Yes things went South with that update. Even with the latest update my S2 is not performing like before.

1. I purchased the new S2+ Beacon which I am going to try next.
2. I purchased a new S2 which I will try after the Beacon.

I don't want to change too many variables at one time. I tried different Android devices and iPad's with similar results. I just want to get back to the rock solid tracking.
I was going to buy a new beacon (for longer range) and some new batteries (for longer flights), but Skydio isn't going to get any more $ from me until they can get me a reliable drone. I've posted up my troubles in the S2 forum. A question I posed at the end of my long post is whether ANYONE has a reliable drone. I've had 2 and neither has been at any point....sure, they work correctly sometimes....I need and expect better than sometimes.
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....seeing the s2+ simply take off and doing it own thing with nobody or nothing behind the wheel for no apparent reason, well, it's a little shocking. was about to start a new post with my feelings and opinions but it sounds like others may have similar concerns?
Yes, shocking for sure! Especially when you are in BFE and the terrain is rugged and its gone out of sight. Thats what my replacement S2 did 2 days ago. Was like it was possessed. Flew off, wouldn't stop, quit broadcasting its wifi. Very surprised I got it back. Long story, its in the S2 forum.

One good thing...I sent Skydio a message about my issues this morning and they responded mid day wanting my flight logs. It didn't even record one from the flight where the gimbal went bonkers after I landed it in my hand.
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