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Recent content by vincent228

  1. V

    Skdio Skyfire Lut?

    Im hoping anyone here can help. I found this youtube video of gimbal settings, and even though it was 4 years old, it looked really good. you can see the video here: My question is, they kept referring to a "Skydio Skyfire Lut", which really did a nice job, and I was wondering if anyone here...
  2. V

    Skydio 2 Battery Issue

    Anyone ever come up with a fix other than what Skydio said? I have 4 batteries, and only 1 is doing exactly what is stated above. i have to assume 3 working a 1 crap, means buy a new battery?
  3. V

    Too hot to fly.

    All excellent information. Thank you very much. I have followed the advice of Ridefreak and yourself, and so far so good. Thank you for the info. Fingers crossed.
  4. V

    Too hot to fly.

    Good point. I wonder if skydio still repairs the 2. Ill have to call them and see if they have local repair (if they even still repar the 2, not 2+
  5. V

    Too hot to fly.

    I see thread after thread about the skydio 2 giving the “too hot to fly. Land immediately” message. Most threads are older. Has skydio come up with a fix for this yet? Fir crying out loud. I live in connecticut. Yes today is 88 degrees. Yes there is a slight breeze. No im not just hovering the...
  6. V

    What return settings are you guys using

    Thank you very much. Thats sounds like a nice clear explanation.
  7. V

    What return settings are you guys using

    I actually was looking for this question, but Im still a little sketchy on the Return Behavior - Height behavior. what setting should i use if I am higher than the drone? I do not want it trying to climb to reach me. I would rather have it start as high as I am, or higher, so it avoides...
  8. V

    "Task Queue - Internal task"

    Hi all. I noticed today, after flew my skydio 2 for the first time with a controller, that every time after I landed it, it calibrated immediately after, and then showed a statement on the phone of "Task queue - Internal task". then it calibrated again. then gave the "ready to fly" . I looked...
  9. V

    FAA Part 107 - Operations Over People January 2022 USA

    Wow. I guess Canada is a lot more strict in their rules. Which kind of sucks because when my wife and I were going to travel to the west coast, I was really hoping to fly that area of Canada. As far as recreational vs 107. At least in the U.S, the rules are pretty much the same. Except you...
  10. V

    FAA Part 107 - Operations Over People January 2022 USA

    Here is the exact explanation given to me by a person employee by the FAA, and also has a drone business on the side. My question was about crossing over a highway. But the explanation does encompass your question. “The actual law you're looking for is "§ 107.145 Operations over moving...
  11. V

    FAA Part 107 - Operations Over People January 2022 USA

    It does not explain it in “exactly” those words. Tgat is a simplified version that came directly from a professional uav pilot that was trained directly from the FAA. Here is one of the FAA quotes. “Note: Sustained flight over an open-air assembly includes hovering above the heads of persons...
  12. V

    Hello from Connecticut.

    Thats great! Thank you for the reply.
  13. V

    FAA Part 107 - Operations Over People January 2022 USA

    I was wondering how i was going to do this with the Skdio 2 (which i just got). I have a business now, and have had a 107 for 3 years. No drones on the market that are at least semi affordable fit any of the criteria. the smallest DJI, with a special purchased very light battery., Just makes it...
  14. V

    Hello from Connecticut.

    Hi all. I just purchased a used Skydio 2 for both myself and my Daughter to use. My Daughter is on the autism spectrum, and will not fly any of my other drones (Phantom 4 Pros) because she considers them too "unpredictable". she researched them herself, and has chosen the Skydio. So i am hoping...
  15. V

    do you take paypal?

    do you take paypal?