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A little desert sxs test


Active member
Dec 18, 2020
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Here's a little clip from yesterdays ride.
I had a little issue with the audio from the second part, but I figured it out.

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Hi Ed,
Thanks for posting your nice video, I had the same problem with the audio recording. The first 2 flights the audio did record but the last 3 did not.
You said that you figured it out, can you please tell me what you did to sort it out.
Hi Ed,
Thanks for posting your nice video, I had the same problem with the audio recording. The first 2 flights the audio did record but the last 3 did not.
You said that you figured it out, can you please tell me what you did to sort it out.
This morning I put the card back in the bird, attached the battery and powered on.
Then I launched the App on my phone.
Once connected, I tapped "Media".
App showed 'Syncing' and "Mounting Storage" below that.
After a few seconds the thumbnail of each vid appeared.
I closed the app, powered off the bird and pulled the card.
Opened it in my PC and Voila! The missing audio file was there!

So, it appears I either didn't wait long enough for the files to sync, or I shut down wrong.
I will test this some more.
Nice video, cool SBS and great landing trick!
Nice video, cool SBS and great landing trick!
I just checked out your other videos on YT.
Looks like we share some common hobbies.
Single track is my favorite, the sxs is for date day with the wife :>

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