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Confirmed - Skydio IS getting out of the consumer market

I think it’s likely they’re preparing for a new release soon. They’ve been out of stock on their website for a while.
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I hope so, I skipped upgrading to the SD2+, it'd be nice to see some of their advancements and capabilities make it out to a new consumer drone.
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Are there any updates on this?

Go look on their website.. the shop lists NO skydio 2 kits and their pages all say "Contact Sales" now.

I'd say they pretty much walked away from the consumer market..

Should have stayed with DJI and just bought a Pro 4 V2
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this page is still live: Drone That Follows You - Skydio 2+ | Skydio

i don't think current owners should panic, these situation rarely mean you get cut off. yes it's a sad situation indeed but it's not malicious, you'll still get support and repairs and your warranty/care will be honored. only a disreputable company would suspend or cancel all of that and skydio isn't.

the s2 is a great drone but it's just a matter of time until dji steps up and take the reins; they won't miss this opportunity that has been handed to them. might take a few or 10 years but it will be done, for sure.
The company could have helped alleviate any concerns by sending an email to existing Skydio 2+ owners rather than having us first learn of the information in a news feed. I hope you are right, but the Skydio marketing department or whoever handles their PR should have been more astute and proactive.
It's a disappointment really. I still think it's an awesome drone, but having the S2/S2+ for a couple of years now I have not found a niche for them ( $$$ ). I don't do the "follow me" thing, I don't use it for Enterprise even though I have part of the software and I certainly don't use it for Photography and Video ( I have a different drone for that segment ). Its been difficult in the last few months trying to justify in keeping all three of them, but probably going to keep the first one I bought and sell the other two ( S2 and an S2+).
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Skydio probably still has a good 3 - 4 year jump on the competition when it comes to OA, tracking, and follow-me so it is likely these drones (S2 and S2+) will be quite valuable in the future. The action sports runs in cycles and it will be back. Honestly now would be a good time from another American drone manufacturer to step up and step in this space.
Skydio probably still has a good 3 - 4 year jump on the competition when it comes to OA, tracking, and follow-me so it is likely these drones (S2 and S2+) will be quite valuable in the future. The action sports runs in cycles and it will be back. Honestly now would be a good time from another American drone manufacturer to step up and step in this space.
Skydio could have started a spin off company dedicated to the consumer market, it's not like they can't get funding, investment companies are throwing money at them. I am sure that may have been discussed. My earlier posts on the subject would have been written differently IF ONLY Skydio 2/2+ had a better camera and sensors.
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It's a disappointment really. I still think it's an awesome drone, but having the S2/S2+ for a couple of years now I have not found a niche for them ( $$$ ). I don't do the "follow me" thing, I don't use it for Enterprise even though I have part of the software and I certainly don't use it for Photography and Video ( I have a different drone for that segment ). Its been difficult in the last few months trying to justify in keeping all three of them, but probably going to keep the first one I bought and sell the other two ( S2 and an S2+).
I don't really understand why you have 3 drones if you don't even utilise what they are specifically good at...
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I don't really understand why you have 3 drones if you don't even utilise what they are specifically good at...
Good Question, plans and intents don't always pan out, one thing led to another . When I bought my first Skydio, a drone business was not even on my mind, I was still learning, I bought the 2nd drone as a backup ( remember that sale ) exactly one month before the S2+ was released ( Yeah had to have that one too, LOL ). Then I started floating the idea of a drone business as I will be retiring from the workforce in 4 years, studied and obtained my part 107 license, so as of now, I have found a niche in photography and creating prints ( My DJI Mavic 3 Cine fills that need ). So here I am with 3 Skydio drones with excellent capabilities except for high quality images ( my opinion ) I am going to keep one of them just in case another niche opens up for me or use it where the Mavic 3 can't go.

Edited In : The reasons I purchased the Skydio was for the Autonomy and the ease in flying a drone as a beginner.

Why am I not working for a Drone Company ? That's another good question that I keep asking myself.

That's my story and I am sticking to it. :cool:
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This is really disappointing for me. My DJI is a nice drone but it's unusable for most of what I use a drone for. I'm going to buy 3 more batteries while they're still available and fly a little more carefully since the drone will be unobtanium pretty soon.
Sad news, I hope to keep mine alive as long as I can.

1 week ago I bought also a DJI AIR 3 that is supposed to be able to navigate via visual AI obstacle avoidance, but IMHO the Skydio is still superior, and it was launched years before the AIR3.
Since Skydio is getting out of the business, I went ahead and updated with the latest SW version dated August 2023. The full release notes indicate there may be updated that are important and since this could be the last update, I want to get it as long as it is still available. And in case my drone has an issue with updating, if anything happens I still have time to get it fixed by Skydio. Include an update to the beacon and maybe to the rc as well; didn't see a battery update.

It’s unfortunate that they announced the abandoning of the consumer line AFTER they sold all inventory, which would have given us early adapters an informed opportunity to upgrade with their remaining inventory. Had I known that the 2+ was the last consumer version offered, I and many other Skydio 2 owners would have upgraded to the + instead of waiting for the much-anticipated Skydio 3 that we were all expecting. By doing this, they took away our options. A harsh and careless way to treat their initial customer base that enabled their new enterprise strategy.

I now take back every outstanding review I have given (many on DJI forums) of Skydio’s outstanding customer support.

Shame on them for leading us into this situation.
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It’s unfortunate that they announced the abandoning of the consumer line AFTER they sold all inventory, which would have given us early adapters an informed opportunity to upgrade with their remaining inventory. Had I known that the 2+ was the last consumer version offered, I and many other Skydio 2 owners would have upgraded to the + instead of waiting for the much-anticipated Skydio 3 that we were all expecting. By doing this, they took away our options. A harsh and careless way to treat their initial customer base that enabled their new enterprise strategy.

I now take back every outstanding review I have given (many on DJI forums) of Skydio’s outstanding customer support.

Shame on them for leading us into this situation.
Either way, I think it would have turned out the same. They still have 2 and 2+ inventory but they are probably keeping enough to cover years or repairs and warranty/care replacements. In fact, they might be somewhat short. And, they probably have a fair amount of parts ready to build and assemble completed drones.

In any case, none of those will go to the public since they pretty much had little choice but to close retail sales once they make the announcement (even though speculation was rampant months prior). I would have preferred a "last buy" sort of announcement as well but it was probably determined that if they did this, everything would go and they would have little to no backup for those of us who need help next year or the year after.

3rd party sales are non-existent and aftermarket supplies are dried up and if you find something, it's probably pricey. I feel your pain.
Well, I'm glad I purchased three of these things, (2) S2's and (1) S2+. They have performed well for me and I'm while I'm disappointed they are leaving the consumer market I feel lucky to have them at all.

For those who feel ripped off I foresee a strong market to sell your S2.
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