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Dual Charger gone


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2020
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Well it looks like Skydio removed the Dual Charger from their store. Dual Charger
Looks like the only way they want you to buy one is through a package deal.
IDK, if they are having manufacturing limitations makes sense to reserve them for the bundles.

I'd also argue that most everyone is ordering a bundle anyway, to get the most of the SD2 you kinda need the beacon and most everyone will want a couple spare batteries, you can argue the sd card isn't necessary as many people already have them and they are cheap enough to get but after adding up everything else it's essentially throw in for free.

Would I like a 2nd double charger and another battery so I can have 4 and charge them all at the same time, sure, but is it needed, nope.
Seems like an Apple move to me. Force people to pay for more than what they need. Unfortunately for me, while I was waiting I went ahead and got the Beacon and batteries with a gift card I had. I didn't need an SD card and figured I would get the charger when I completed my order. I already asked and they told me that they would not sell me one without the package deal. Maybe I could sell the Beacon if I got the sports package, but I doubt it since they are still in stock.
Looks like they added it back to the site but it still shows sold out.
I'm a drone noob, and just received my Skydio 2/Cinema kit yesterday. In the kit was a Dual Charger.
Yes they do have them for the package deals. They will not separate them for individual sale. I just missed one on Ebay yesterday. It was going for $220. Some day they will get the parts they need to produce more.
I received my dual charger with my kit but don't really see the big draw. Why not just pick up another wall plug and cable? I'm new and a rec flyer for now, so maybe I' missing something.

I received my dual charger with my kit but don't really see the big draw. Why not just pick up another wall plug and cable? I'm new and a rec flyer for now, so maybe I' missing something.

Because the only ways to charge a battery is the dual charger OR while it’s on the drone which means you can’t fly while charging.
Because the only ways to charge a battery is the dual charger OR while it’s on the drone which means you can’t fly while charging.
Yes, I guess I have not fully awaken! I was envisioning plugging the USB cable into the battery but now realize I was plugging into the charger. My bad, sorry. Now I fully agree.
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Yes, I guess I have not fully awaken! I was envisioning plugging the USB cable into the battery but now realize I was plugging into the charger. My bad, sorry. Now I fully agree.
No problem, you can't expect everyone to know everything. It would be a nice feature if the batteries had a USB C charging port. But I guess if they made charging convenient they couldn't make extra cash off a charger. From a business standpoint it makes sense.
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