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Gimbal calibration?


New member
Nov 6, 2020
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Hi to all on the forums here.
Got my S2 back in April but was unable to fly very frequently until Summer came.
I did unpack the drone to at least ensure it was in working order. All fine with one unusual exception - on power up, once initialised, the gimbal sits askew.

To be clear, its idle position when not in flight is NOT directly ahead. It is off-centre.

I reached out to Skydio immediately, to check if this was a fault or if there was a calibration routine I could run, I even included photo and video for clarification - they assured me it was normal.
When I was finally able to make a test flight, I found that the gimbal centres itself properly on take-off and appears to function completely normally while in the air.

Anyone else experiencing this or is it just my S2?

Cheers guys. Footage I've taken has been fine so far, but its good to have the extra reassurance from other owners.
I'm sure it's the same with every S2. Mine is the same and the drone will run a calibration every time you start a flight.
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