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"incorrect password"

Captain Ken

Jan 11, 2021
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I'm trying to connect my apple phone and when I open the app and hit "connect" after I get solid blue lights it pops up "Skydio 2 wants to Join wi-fi Network" and I press "join". Then it searches and says "unable to join skydio-2". It press "ok". It says "connection failed" and gives me the "edit wi-fi" option.

Wi-fi- is my Skydio-2 and I put in the correct pw and hit "next". It gives me the "connect" option and then "join" and "connection failed"

I open "settings" on my Apple phone. Click on "wi'fi" and I see my skydio-2 so I click on it and then "join". It says "incorrect password for skydio-2". I put in the correct one, off the bottom of the drone, and still gives me "incorrect password".

Any ideas?

P.S. I tried deleting the Skydio 2 app and then reinstalling it. No luck.
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There's procedure for resetting the password in this thread. Post #77.

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I'm trying to connect my apple phone and when I open the app and hit "connect" after I get solid blue lights it pops up "Skydio 2 wants to Join wi-fi Network" and I press "join". Then it searches and says "unable to join skydio-2". It press "ok". It says "connection failed" and gives me the "edit wi-fi" option.

Wi-fi- is my Skydio-2 and I put in the correct pw and hit "next". It gives me the "connect" option and then "join" and "connection failed"

I open "settings" on my Apple phone. Click on "wi'fi" and I see my skydio-2 so I click on it and then "join". It says "incorrect password for skydio-2". I put in the correct one, off the bottom of the drone, and still gives me "incorrect password".

Any ideas?

P.S. I tried deleting the Skydio 2 app and then reinstalling it. No luck.
It’s my understanding that you managed to fix this based on your post in another thread. If not my apologies.

I would however add a little bit to this thread in the event that someone else has a similar problem.

I believe (although I didn’t test) that Skydio provided the ability to change the password to something other than the random characters of the one printed on the inside of the drone. The “edit WiFi” thing you observed is an opportunity to do that. NOTE you don’t have to “change” the password and IMHO I wouldn’t as modern Wi-Fi connected devices can “remember” the SSID and password once they connect successfully the first time so I don’t see the point but that’s just me😀

The second point I would make is that you can force Apple IOS devices to “forget” a previously made WiFi connection. I assume Android devices can do the same.

Just tap the little “ i “ icon beside the SSID name in the list and choose Forget this network.
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I'm trying to connect my apple phone and when I open the app and hit "connect" after I get solid blue lights it pops up "Skydio 2 wants to Join wi-fi Network" and I press "join". Then it searches and says "unable to join skydio-2". It press "ok". It says "connection failed" and gives me the "edit wi-fi" option.

Wi-fi- is my Skydio-2 and I put in the correct pw and hit "next". It gives me the "connect" option and then "join" and "connection failed"

I open "settings" on my Apple phone. Click on "wi'fi" and I see my skydio-2 so I click on it and then "join". It says "incorrect password for skydio-2". I put in the correct one, off the bottom of the drone, and still gives me "incorrect password".

Any ideas?

P.S. I tried deleting the Skydio 2 app and then reinstalling it. No luck.
Sounds like the password saved In your iPhone is wrong

On your iPhone you should “forget network” in the WiFi menu

This will blank out the password you have saved

You’ll have to type in the password. Ext time you join
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Good afternoon, my name is Romo and I am from SPAIN. I bought the skydio 2+ in the USA and when trying to install it in Spain, neither the iPhone nor any device detects the wifi of the drone all the time, they give an error and the beacon says all the time that it is looking for it, I Tried to reset the drone, the Beacon application and everything is the same, can someone help me. Thank you very much
Good afternoon, my name is Romo and I am from SPAIN. I bought the skydio 2+ in the USA and when trying to install it in Spain, neither the iPhone nor any device detects the wifi of the drone all the time, they give an error and the beacon says all the time that it is looking for it, I Tried to reset the drone, the Beacon application and everything is the same, can someone help me. Thank you very much
I got the same problem living in Italy. Have anyone else experienced this? I bought the drone in the US brought it here and now trying to set it up, but it continues say “not able to join network”.

Have reinstalled the app several times and done the set up, but never without success.
Search on Skydio problems in Europe on this forum, there's quite a bit of discussion about getting past the problem you're having.
I'm trying to connect my apple phone and when I open the app and hit "connect" after I get solid blue lights it pops up "Skydio 2 wants to Join wi-fi Network" and I press "join". Then it searches and says "unable to join skydio-2". It press "ok". It says "connection failed" and gives me the "edit wi-fi" option.

Wi-fi- is my Skydio-2 and I put in the correct pw and hit "next". It gives me the "connect" option and then "join" and "connection failed"

I open "settings" on my Apple phone. Click on "wi'fi" and I see my skydio-2 so I click on it and then "join". It says "incorrect password for skydio-2". I put in the correct one, off the bottom of the drone, and still gives me "incorrect password".
omg, this recently happened to me when it lost signal. all of my attempts didn’t work. and my skydio was about 15’ above thick brush that was off-camber. i was low on battery too but not low enough for emergency landing. so as it began to land on it’s own, it got closer to me and oddly regained connection. i quickly stopped the landing and then redirected it to a better landing spot for me to grab it.

i’ve lost connection before but not the SSID/password - that was really bizarre. 🙃

note: i’m still using the factory SSID/password and i haven’t done the SSID/password reset.
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omg, this recently happened to me when it lost signal. all of my attempts didn’t work. and my skydio was about 15’ above thick brush that was off-camber. i was low on battery too but not low enough for emergency landing. so as it began to land on it’s own, it got closer to me and oddly regained connection. i quickly stopped the landing and then redirected it to a better landing spot for me to grab it.

i’ve lost connection before but not the SSID/password - that was really bizarre. 🙃

note: i’m still using the factory SSID/password and i haven’t done the SSID/password reset.
Nice save. On your phone is the SkyDio's wifi connection set to remember the password? If so it should auto reconnect. I found that occasionally the app doesn't realize the phone is already connected to the drone, there's times I manually logged in to the drone's wifi before opening the app, and then when I opened up the app I'd get that skydio wifi login screen. I wasn't having much success entering the credentials at that point but I knew the phone was already connected, I cancelled the apps login window and it opened right into the app ready to control the drone (already connected). If you're using the beacon when it looses connection try pointing it at the drone and pushing the blue button, I've had that work to reestablish a lost connection with the beacon, in fact it's the first thing I do now. Hope that helps.
Nice save. On your phone is the SkyDio's wifi connection set to remember the password? If so it should auto reconnect. I found that occasionally the app doesn't realize the phone is already connected to the drone, there's times I manually logged in to the drone's wifi before opening the app, and then when I opened up the app I'd get that skydio wifi login screen. I wasn't having much success entering the credentials at that point but I knew the phone was already connected, I cancelled the apps login window and it opened right into the app ready to control the drone (already connected). If you're using the beacon when it looses connection try pointing it at the drone and pushing the blue button, I've had that work to reestablish a lost connection with the beacon, in fact it's the first thing I do now. Hope that helps.
yes! i don’t manually put in any SSID/password - i just tap to join for every launch - connecting the beacon is an extra step which requires me to open my wifi settings to select the beacon’s SSID. my iphone remembers that password too. but that was the bizarre thing that happened. it just kept asking me for the password to the drone - like i just unboxed a brand new one and i’m going the the initial setup process.

that day was just a day of failures 😂. i was slightly underdressed for a cold grey day, my gopros batteries and my beacon were dead (i thought i had charged them) and all i had was my iphone to fly my skydio. it didn’t seem to be a challenging environment (open meadow) for it so, i gave it a shot so i can get some b-roll footage for the keyframe challenge. i went down the trail and it followed me great but the angle wasn’t to my liking. so i rode back up and tried the 2nd time and that’s when i had this bizarre fail. so, not only did i lose connection to the drone and couldn’t reconnect, it wanted me to put in the password. and i was totally willing to do a diving catch for the drone if it had to do an emergency landing - i’ll take the scratches/bruises over broken propellers/gimbal any day. 💁🏽‍♂️😂

thanks for that beacon tip. i’ll try that next time it looses connection with the drone. 👍🏽
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