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Leaving Phone Screen On


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2021
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When flying using a tracking mode, using the phone together with the Beacon, how powered down can the phone be and still work with the beacon?

As far as I know, the app doesn't have to be open and running for the phone and drone/Beacon to connect via WiFi and augment the Beacons GPS lock and stay connected with the screen powered down, while I have the phone stashed way. Is that right?

It's the Beacon that I need to have immediate access to when using "it" as primary controller, like when moto-ing.

I'm making myself a checklist to run thru before flight so that I don't forget any steps and order of their implementation, for the different ways of flying/controlling the drone. At least until they become second nature and I come to understand the tech better.

Recieved my kit 2 days ago and think I have successfully upgraded the software of the Drone, controller, Beacon and dual charger. Skydio says the batteries will update themselves, if needed, while in use.

Question about the app flight screen on the phone. I have yet to be able to bring it up. I'm thinking that may be because I'm in the house and the Beacon says it's too dark to fly, so unflyable conditions, preventing the flight screen from coming up when you tap the Fly icon at the bottom of the screen after finishing the camera and drone settings. Is that what's going on?

I noticed too that even tho the phone shows WiFi connection with the Beacon, the Beacon complains otherwise. Thoughts?

Another thing I found odd, maybe normal, the iPhone 11 I plan on using will only allow one WiFi connection at a time. As in, after having the phone connected to home WiFi for updating, I had to disable that before I could connect to the Beacon via WiFi.

I'm usually not this tech illiterate, but I've never dealt with this type of interactive pairing of so many devices for a single purpose.

The wind here has been ridiculous the last several days, so I may not have a chance to get out for first flight for a while.
If I connect at the house I have to tell the phone to disconnect from the house wifi as that's an automatic connection when present. I told the phone not to automatically connect to the skydio but I do have it automatically connect to the beacon, that's because when the beacon is on (present) I know that's what I want the phone to connect to, not the drone. Saves time disconnecting the phone from the drone out somewhere. After the update I noticed some differences in the way the devices connect. The app will try and initiate the wifi connection even when the wifi connects automatically or has manually connected to the drone through the phones wifi selection. Another words I turn everything on (no beacon) and connect the phone to the skydio via the phone's wifi selection. Then open the app and it comes up with the log in screen, If I tell it to connect at that point it screws it up. I've found that at that point if you cancel the apps wifi connection prompt, it goes right into the app with a connection to the drone. Makes sense because it was already done manually.
When flying using a tracking mode, using the phone together with the Beacon, how powered down can the phone be and still work with the beacon?

As far as I know, the app doesn't have to be open and running for the phone and drone/Beacon to connect via WiFi and augment the Beacons GPS lock and stay connected with the screen powered down, while I have the phone stashed way. Is that right?

It's the Beacon that I need to have immediate access to when using "it" as primary controller, like when moto-ing.

I'm making myself a checklist to run thru before flight so that I don't forget any steps and order of their implementation, for the different ways of flying/controlling the drone. At least until they become second nature and I come to understand the tech better.

Recieved my kit 2 days ago and think I have successfully upgraded the software of the Drone, controller, Beacon and dual charger. Skydio says the batteries will update themselves, if needed, while in use.

Question about the app flight screen on the phone. I have yet to be able to bring it up. I'm thinking that may be because I'm in the house and the Beacon says it's too dark to fly, so unflyable conditions, preventing the flight screen from coming up when you tap the Fly icon at the bottom of the screen after finishing the camera and drone settings. Is that what's going on?

I noticed too that even tho the phone shows WiFi connection with the Beacon, the Beacon complains otherwise. Thoughts?

Another thing I found odd, maybe normal, the iPhone 11 I plan on using will only allow one WiFi connection at a time. As in, after having the phone connected to home WiFi for updating, I had to disable that before I could connect to the Beacon via WiFi.

I'm usually not this tech illiterate, but I've never dealt with this type of interactive pairing of so many devices for a single purpose.

The wind here has been ridiculous the last several days, so I may not have a chance to get out for first flight for a while.
So a lot to unpack here 😜

I also found/find there is a lot of “connection” stuff so you are not alone.

So here’s my kick at the can for what it’s worth. 😀

The reasons I have for involving the phone in “beacon” flying are it seems to make that initial gps dance go faster AND more importantly to me is to have another device ready to take over control if the beacon can’t. So to me I always have the app loaded on the phone. I don’t think it’s a problem with blanking the screen to save battery on the phone though.

I’ve had the camera view live on the phone with beacon attached inside my house so I don’t think gps is the issue. I would suggest testing with ONLY the phone to see if that works.

The IPhone connecting to only one SSID at a time is normal behaviour in IOS.
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I'll add a little to hopefully help. If tracking and beacon loses S2, you'll want phone/app on for recovery purposes. I turn off the phone screen and put it in pocket once S2 launched and position is set. Phone can help you determine where ya want S2 (esp when you're learning), then I turn off screen.

The bigger reason to have phone on and connected while flying has only happened to me twice and I for sure dont have the process nailed down, but both times (and even once with my mavic) if/when you regain connection you can see what S2 sees. Its helped me bring it home. Its for this reason that I have S2 looking where its going if its returning autonomously. Also, 'find my drone' is in the app and you'll want that functionality to help you find it.

I think the 'find drone' data is stored in the app and dunno if 'last flight' data can be obtained from beacon if phone wasnt connected. Anyone know?

At a minimum, even if you can get the data from beacon, you wont likely be enjoying the delay if ya gotta fire up phone and connect to drone to download the data.

If ya havent already, I suggest a review of the emergency behavior section of the manual before flight.
The bigger reason to have phone on and connected while flying has only happened to me twice and I for sure dont have the process nailed down, but both times (and even once with my mavic) if/when you regain connection you can see what S2 sees. Its helped me bring it home. Its for this reason that I have S2 looking where its going if its returning autonomously. Also, 'find my drone' is in the app and you'll want that functionality to help you find it.
Thanks. I also have mine set to look where it going during return, for that same reason.
if/when you regain connection you can see what S2 sees. Its helped me bring it home. Its for this reason that I have S2 looking where its going if its returning autonomously.
The first time I tried RTH I got a bit concerned about a malfunction as I could NOT “see” where the drone was heading. Just a setting - Whew!

I have read that the S2 has better signal strength if the rear on the aircraft is facing the controlling device. The theory expressed was the antennas are in the rear section so more “potential interference” if the drone is facing you.

I never operate the drone very far away so never an issue for me. Don’t intend to test stuff like that!
I have read that the S2 has better signal strength if the rear on the aircraft is facing the controlling device. The theory expressed was the antennas are in the rear section so more “potential interference” if the drone is facing you.
Also, at least in the case of the Controller, it needs to be held with the antenna pointing at the drone. I bet a lot of folks get caught up looking at the screen and may not be aware of which way they're facing.
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