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Looking to buy a Skydio 2 or 2+, drone only


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Feb 7, 2023
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So have been through 2 drones already. First one qualified for warranty and the second was pilot fault. I have way too many accessories now and I am just looking to buy a used 2 or 2+. Live in the East Coast.
Thanks in advance.
I’ve done some research and a S2 only without a battery has about a $500 value - and that’s even with decent amount of flights on it.
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I’ve done some research and a S2 only without a battery has about a $500 value - and that’s even with decent amount of flights on it.
Thanks so much for that perspective. I just hope skydio old the drone stand alone like other companies! The kits strategy is getting old. A bunch of accessories out there people don’t need.
OH yeah. Sold for 710. No thanks. If I wait for the next Black Friday i could get S2+ for just a little more than that. That is hours of sleep i will never get back. :)
OH yeah. Sold for 710. No thanks. If I wait for the next Black Friday i could get S2+ for just a little more than that. That is hours of sleep i will never get back. :)
I got a brand new Skydio 2+ drone after paying the Lost Drone premium when my previous one autonomously flew over a golf driving range! 🤪 This was my 2nd Skydio Care claim. I wish the company would sell just the airframe without accessories to existing customers. Lost Drone! Skydio Care 2nd Replacement Skydio 2+ And Battery Arrived Unboxing, Update, Setup, Sync!

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