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Lost my drone

This is great info! My experience with the Find Me feature is that it’s not accurate at all. I got Coordinates from Skydio (log) and found my drone on the opposite side of the trail and 100 feet from the Find Me feature, a video will be very helpful. (I lost mine on a Thursday and didn't find it until Saturday, but no rain)
I tried to access a video file but was not successful. The drone isn't lost at the moment, I was just checking your instructions. I connected my Beacon to my App (Moto g6 Android phone), with and without the cable, no internet. I went through the motions of uploading log files. Using my phone's File Explorer I have a folder named skydio with an empty folder named ota, is this where I should find the video? Thanks again.
I open the app and always connect it to the beacon prior to flying. I don't use the app for anything besides monitoring the drone's Last Known Location. So far I've used it 3 times now and it takes you directly to the crash site or the point where the battery disconnected if you read the screen correctly, it's not intuitive (to me) and the initial screen in the function is zoomed way way out, once you figure all that out it works well. Supposedly if you connect to the beacon after the fact with the app it will upload that info into the Find my Skydio screen, I've not tested that capability. Once I learned to use the function correctly it's taken me right to the drone, literally within feet of it.
Anyone done this with an Android device instead of an iOS device? .... was a video available to copy before upload to Skydio?

Skydio's instructions to upload beacon logs seems to differ between iOs and android devices.
When I get home next week I’ll test this with Android as I have a spare devices. Will let you know and try a screen capture or two
I tried to access a video file but was not successful. The drone isn't lost at the moment, I was just checking your instructions. I connected my Beacon to my App (Moto g6 Android phone), with and without the cable, no internet. I went through the motions of uploading log files. Using my phone's File Explorer I have a folder named skydio with an empty folder named ota, is this where I should find the video? Thanks again.
I suspect on Android you will find it under Android/data/ as that is we’re app developers have access to. There will be a Skydio . Com refence.
Well I did it as well hopefully the gentleman who lives at the home when it landed brought it inside it still shows it it is there but after 2 hours of looking and it getting dark being mad cause I think the GPS does t work waiting my time looking in the wrong area. See everyday that I don't take it somewhere to fly . I will take a quick flight around the neighborhood. I live on a small street many be a 1/4 in length. I live on one and on the other is huge lot an RV distribution center or something so. I live by the road on on end and. Always try to make it to the end of the road but it always loses signal and flulys back a little till I catch it again ajdnthenbi fly a little and thats it. But today when it lost signal the footage when was horribly blurry when it regained signal and went forward to bececause I was goin to make a wide turn to come back. As I started wide turn around I lost the signal again the regained I there lost it but this time right before I lost it bonked briefly "39 seconds until land which it was shot going to make it back to me In 39 seconds so. I kind of panicked so Aston as I got connection again I tried using the boost button and head back toward me but the blurry screen and was about 200' I could not tell where I was. So o tried to turn around and use the RV place from reference amdi started landing an I really don't know where cause it is not in the same path I ways take turning it and losing connection I couldn't tell how far off it was for the usual path it takes.
The the fine written article below about the the North poi.ted arrow made look at my map again and blow it up some how my sjyrio was like 6 blocks away in a gated community so I went there this is 2 1/2 hours later to try and recover it . Person is at work the GPS shows It's there. How long will the signal last? Anyone know?
Well I did it as well hopefully the gentleman who lives at the home when it landed brought it inside it still shows it it is there but after 2 hours of looking and it getting dark being mad cause I think the GPS does t work waiting my time looking in the wrong area. See everyday that I don't take it somewhere to fly . I will take a quick flight around the neighborhood. I live on a small street many be a 1/4 in length. I live on one and on the other is huge lot an RV distribution center or something so. I live by the road on on end and. Always try to make it to the end of the road but it always loses signal and flulys back a little till I catch it again ajdnthenbi fly a little and thats it. But today when it lost signal the footage when was horribly blurry when it regained signal and went forward to bececause I was goin to make a wide turn to come back. As I started wide turn around I lost the signal again the regained I there lost it but this time right before I lost it bonked briefly "39 seconds until land which it was shot going to make it back to me In 39 seconds so. I kind of panicked so Aston as I got connection again I tried using the boost button and head back toward me but the blurry screen and was about 200' I could not tell where I was. So o tried to turn around and use the RV place from reference amdi started landing an I really don't know where cause it is not in the same path I ways take turning it and losing connection I couldn't tell how far off it was for the usual path it takes.
The the fine written article below about the the North poi.ted arrow made look at my map again and blow it up some how my sjyrio was like 6 blocks away in a gated community so I went there this is 2 1/2 hours later to try and recover it . Person is at work the GPS shows It's there. How long will the signal last? Anyone know?
The signal isn't lasting, it's stored in the app as the last known position. I had the same experience when I first lost mine, the apps find function isn't very intuitive making the drone impossible to find if you aren't interpreting the icons correctly.
I suspect on Android you will find it under Android/data/ as that is we’re app developers have access to. There will be a Skydio . Com refence.
I found files where you suggested Frank, I can't seem to open them, where did you copy/paste to?


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The signal isn't lasting, it's stored in the app as the last known position. I had the same experience when I first lost mine, the apps find function isn't very intuitive making the drone impossible to find if you aren't interpreting the icons correctly.
So on mine as I was fling it right outside my front door. it shows home it a grey house or it picking up the beacon. Then there is the controller in blue and the Skydio arrow grey (battery dead why it is grey?) I am beginning to think that it is not where it said it landed. So from me to where I lost signal is 600' maybe and where it says it had landed is twice as far in a different direction if it was to be heading back. And if it will land any where when the battery is critically low. Then it on some ones roof, but i am still waiting on skydio. I went to the house the person is out of town talked with the neighbors no seen it, and it is a 55+ community doesn't feel right hat it landed twice as far way it was than when I flew it to where it los connection I just nee the footage or Coordinate so I can start looking on roofs before it rains
So on mine as I was fling it right outside my front door. it shows home it a grey house or it picking up the beacon. Then there is the controller in blue and the Skydio arrow grey (battery dead why it is grey?) I am beginning to think that it is not where it said it landed. So from me to where I lost signal is 600' maybe and where it says it had landed is twice as far in a different direction if it was to be heading back. And if it will land any where when the battery is critically low. Then it on some ones roof, but i am still waiting on skydio. I went to the house the person is out of town talked with the neighbors no seen it, and it is a 55+ community doesn't feel right hat it landed twice as far way it was than when I flew it to where it los connection I just nee the footage or Coordinate so I can start looking on roofs before it rains
Support provided me with the Coordinates and I was able to find mine, the app find me feature wasn’t even close.
Update on my lost drone. So first off is me or dose Skydio have terrible customer service? I purchased " Skydio Premium Support'' for exactly that reason to be ina hire teit in support. I get all the generic emails when I email them. I sent my log and contacted them the day I lost the drone. 20 hrs. later I have not hear nothing so i decide to contact them again and i pit in the Bot that bothers you on the site i need support. So i get support and the look at the footage send it to me find the coordinate and sent it to me. The coordinates is right for what i states. But the last second of the footage when the dron is still probab
Support provided me with the Coordinates and I was able to find mine, the app find me feature wasn’t even close.
Sorry forth interruption in my paragraph tph power went out the other night while I was typing . Ya so on my log it is at the coordinates that it showed that it found in my Skydio and the Skydio support pulled the log tin t last he last 8 seconds it is there then around 3 or for it is still a ways up inn the air but it is about 225 260 ft in a blink of an
It took over a month and a whole lot if emails.
It was 6 days for them at Skydio to get back to me if they would replace my S2 due to the malfunction. I paid for
Or the premium support. And it Cleary states that I'd they deam it a malfunction they will send you another right away. That is a lot of BS. So I git it yesterday after telling them I was going to report them to the BBB for false information in their warranty and extended warranty. It came in a box loose so it could slide around. All I got when I was able to get a hold of the was excuses, and the engineers try to kinda say it was my fault gave me a story about the battery. That made no sense. Excuse after excuse and loose packages S2. They never tried to make anything right. I lost a battery and and SD card with photos and videos of my kids . They not one time even apologized for the malfunction. All they would say is " we are very busy and it will get out as soon is it can" they could never pin point the RMA at anytime. And they emailed me the RMA paperwork and Saud it should be shipping and I had received it about 2 hours prior to their email
I haven't been on here much but I wanted to let everyone in on something that I found out due to losing my s2.
So you lose your S2 and they pull the video and give you the last coordinates of where it was at the last time it had power.
So I got that and went looking cause it was in a residential neighborhood. Coordinates were off from the a block apart. But I couldn't find it. I kept watching the video from the log and then I noticed it.
The last 7 seconds of the video the S2 jumps out of no where. No moving it flying all of a sudden in this last 7 seconds it is about 800' plus in a entirely different neighborhood .
So inget my new S2 and fly and look for it anout the 4th day if doing this when I was watching th video. I found it on a person's roof in the original neighborhood but right on the edge where it was almost in the neighborhood hood where it hovered in the last 7 seconds of the video from the log.
So I pull the the SD card and. Watch.
No you would think the log would have the same footage. So the log footage is blurry and choppy cause the battery was runny dead. But the footage on my SD clear perfect shows everything and all the way till it land on the roof.
So what's the deal with the log and Coordinates being so off? Does anyone know?
So what's the deal with the log and Coordinates being so off? Does anyone know?
I don't know the exact science here, but GPS can be off depending on your satellite lock. I use UAV forecast app. If you see that it's poor rating with low visible satellites that can lead to your GPS being off. Try testing in poor vs good to fly forecasts and you can see the diff.
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I don't know the exact science here, but GPS can be off depending on your satellite lock. I use UAV forecast app. If you see that it's poor rating with low visible satellites that can lead to your GPS being off. Try testing in poor vs good to fly forecasts and you can see the diff.
THX. Interesting. I am still wondering though the video Skydio pulled for the log was not all there. The video on the SD had aprox. 3 more minutes on it. There has bee some weird issues that I question with this S2 and the replacement I received. This S2 lost connection completely screen and all for 30 -40 seconds and then came back on stating low battery, and it would land in one minute and thirty-nine seconds. Then lost connection for about the same amount of time. When it came back on, the video was so distorted that I could not tell where it was. When I finally realized, it had gone from about 40' to 300' and was flying away from me. It was scheduled to land, but it instead flew for about another 10 minutes, going 3 times as far away from me at it was when it began to act up. The footage on the SD card has 3 o 4 more minutes on it showing exactly where it landed clear as day. The log footage is blurry and jumpy and is missing these minutes.

The replacement also malfunctioned. A routine landing that it had performed many times. My front patio has walls that go up on 3 sirs to the second story of the house there is no roof on the patio. From the top going down 4 ft of this has walls on all 4 sides i always fly the S2 over and above it the opening it 10ft. x 7ft and I press land, and it comes and lands. Then only about 14' up in the part where walls are on all four sides it all of a sudden maneuvers over about 3 feet flying into the wall. I was filming with my phone below, then there is the SD card recording and the log. My phone shows it auto landing from the ground then the wreck. The SD card you can see the light illuminating (S2 lights blinking because it is landing) you see it fly into the wall and the tumble in the air.
But the Log Book footage that skydio pulled show it called to land and as it slowly is coming down, right before it maneuver and flies into the wall the footage stops.
I am just trying to figure out why these areas are missing in the log. This being missing can be the final judgment on if it will be replaced or not under the warranty. They were not going to replace mine until I showed them the SD card footage and the footage I took with my phone.

Any thoughts?

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