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My first time/test


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2022
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The weather finally cooperated and finally got a chance to play with it in the manner that I got it for... It was not without issues and still learning....

Love your video.... Those little trees/bushes with bare branches along the trail are exactly the type of things you have to worry about so make sure you have the drone set at a height above them.

The best advice I can give you in addition to that is to learn to hand launch and catch the Skydio. I just face the drone away from me, grasping it by the battery. Hit the Launch button and hold the Skydio until it tries to pull away from me..... then let go. To catch it, just hover the drone around eye level facing away from you. Hit the Land button and when the light on the back of the Skydio turns yellow, place your hand under it and grab the battery as it descends.

The reasons for hand launching are many if you are using the Skydio out on the trail.... The obstacle avoidance will not let you take off from tight spaces, the props sit too close to the ground so you have to make sure there is nothing around it that will obstruct them and case landing is not always reliable or possible, leaving you to steer the Skydio in difficult places.

Nice video, at the speeds you're going in the 4x4 it's ideal for the SD2 to see stuff in time to avoid it smoothly. It stayed right there, that's what it's best at IMO. I could see you making some nice videos with that rig and terrain, shot with the drone.
Love your video.... Those little trees/bushes with bare branches along the trail are exactly the type of things you have to worry about so make sure you have the drone set at a height above them.

The best advice I can give you in addition to that is to learn to hand launch and catch the Skydio. I just face the drone away from me, grasping it by the battery. Hit the Launch button and hold the Skydio until it tries to pull away from me..... then let go. To catch it, just hover the drone around eye level facing away from you. Hit the Land button and when the light on the back of the Skydio turns yellow, place your hand under it and grab the battery as it descends.

The reasons for hand launching are many if you are using the Skydio out on the trail.... The obstacle avoidance will not let you take off from tight spaces, the props sit too close to the ground so you have to make sure there is nothing around it that will obstruct them and case landing is not always reliable or possible, leaving you to steer the Skydio in difficult places.

Whats funny is the hand launch/landing was something I had planned on working on and after landing it last friday while testing I can fully understand why. Trying to land on rutted snow doesn't seem friendly to the drone..

As for the small branches it actually went down once hitting one--whoops. I gotta learn to keep it above the 8ft while on roads when I wanna have the drone go to the side of me. I will still turn if off while on the trails otherwise I feel it might not get the shots I want. But----thats just a thought and I need to do more practice with it..

And I actually have watched a few of his videos and must have passed the one you posted..
Thanks a bunch for the advice...
Nice video, at the speeds you're going in the 4x4 it's ideal for the SD2 to see stuff in time to avoid it smoothly. It stayed right there, that's what it's best at IMO. I could see you making some nice videos with that rig and terrain, shot with the drone.
If ya look at my channel you see lots of trail videos that I did using my multiple go-pros. Since those are close to 1st person the idea is to use this drone along with them to add a better perspective...
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If ya look at my channel you see lots of trail videos that I did using my multiple go-pros. Since those are close to 1st person the idea is to use this drone along with them to add a better perspective...
I often mix GP and SD video, IMO it makes for a much better perspective. Sometimes the SD video is so good I skip adding in any GoPro footage. I've got one like that uploading now, 20min of SD video.

I was testing how well it tracked my e-bike, it did a little better then it does on the Motos, probably because the speed rarely gets up to the drone's top speed. I was able to get in 4 batteries worth of video, it did well with plenty of smooth avoidance.

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