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New software/firmware update today March 30 2020 App 6.0.5 FW 6.0.38 (change log incl.)


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2019
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App 6.0.5

Drone 6.0.38

Bug Fixes:
-Fix for pre-flight camera error (V17) that was preventing a small number of customers from being able to fly
-Fixed bug with flight logs that was preventing them from being removed from the phone, leading to bloated app sizes.
-Fixed issue with gimbal not pitching down completely
-Fixed issue of camera freezing in DNG mode
-Ground height estimation fix
-Numerous other bug fixes and stability improvements

-Improved landing performance
-AR performance improvements
-Improved performance between iPhones and Controller accessory
-Improved gimbal smoothing & and fixed rare jello producing movements
-Android and iOS performance improvements
-Improved RTL performance
-Users can now download clips from their drone while connected through the controller.
-Battery icon now shows charging status if the drone is plugged in while the app is connected.
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I was made aware of it last night with an email from Skydio. Haven’t had an opportunity to fly or upload. Any idea what it’s for, or are we flying blind again. Have you tried it?
I’m glad I saw this because I checked a few times today and didn’t see an update available for the App or the drone itself. Weird.
sadly don't see any new features added but couldn't fly since it's raining here.
Anyone know what the update version number is? I just powered mine up and went as far as flying it for a few min in the backyard. Anyway I didn't see it go through an update and when I select "ck for updates" it's saying it's up to date. Wierd

The App version is: 5.41.27 and the SD2 is 5.41.84

What I noticed when I just flew it that I don't remember seeing before was it looks like the telemetry info on the app screen changed, I was seeing 3 stats; alt, bearing and speed. I don't remember that much info before but I didn't pay it allot of attention.
Anyone know what the update version number is? I just powered mine up and went as far as flying it for a few min in the backyard. Anyway I didn't see it go through an update and when I select "ck for updates" it's saying it's up to date. Wierd

The App version is: 5.41.27 and the SD2 is 5.41.84

What I noticed when I just flew it that I don't remember seeing before was it looks like the telemetry info on the app screen changed, I was seeing 3 stats; alt, bearing and speed. I don't remember that much info before but I didn't pay it allot of attention.
Both the bird FW and app versions 6.... Update the app manually first, that will prompt the FW update
it will take fairly long time for the FW update in 2 sequences
App 6.0.5 Drone 6.0.38
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No worries, it appears the updates aren’t available for apple yet.
This is what I suspected for awhile, the updates aren't pushed to all the registered apps at once, I saw this with an earlier update that didn't hit everyone at once and thought it might be at my end. This morning I opened the app and had the notification that there's an update available. I didn't do anything different than I did last night and there were no updates available 12 hrs ago for my app or SD2, at that time I opened the app multiple times . That also explains why we all don't see the update at the same time which has been the case since day one. There might be a bandwidth concern back at their headquarters.
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This is what I suspected for awhile, the updates aren't pushed to all the registered apps at once, I saw this with an earlier update that didn't hit everyone at once and thought it might be at my end. This morning I opened the app and had the notification that there's an update available. I didn't do anything different than I did last night and there were no updates available 12 hrs ago for my app or SD2, at that time I opened the app multiple times . That also explains why we all don't see the update at the same time which has been the case since day one. There might be a bandwidth concern back at their headquarters.
Your Android?
The only other thing I can think of that could cause this is the app doesn't check for updates every time it's opened. I've never gone into the app store to update, every time it's updated its been because I saw the update available indication in the app. I just flew it with the phone and didn't notice anything different. I did a RTH and it elevated before flying back but it was only 4 or 5'.

Edit: thinking about it that theory doesn't fly, I pushed check for updates last night and none were available.

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