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Newb from Colorado


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2020
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Got my S2 a few weeks ago after waiting about a year. I ride dirt bikes and mountain bikes and hope to include some drone footage in some future vids. So far, all of my vids have been shot via helmet cam.

I've owned a Mavic Pro for a couple years, and can fly it pretty well, but it doesn't follow a rider very well....and lacks obstacle avoidance except for the most rudimentary, which actually saved it. I've not used the follow modes on it since that day....it just doesn't work well without a pilot.

The S2 freaked me out on first flight when I tried the 'learn' thing via phone. Ya hafta touch someplace to make it go there and I couldn't tell where I was telling it to go and it almost hit a tree branch. Apparently there is no way to actually fly the drone (as in manual mode) via a phone....all I've gotten to work are the skills, even though there is controller configuration stuff.

Got the beacon out yesterday (also have the controller) and can now hand launch and catch it. I need to figure out quickest way to execute a catch...I was putting it in steering mode to turn it around (facing away from me) and telling it to land. Catching it is easier than I thought it was gonna be!

Lots to learn...
Howdy Dave, I'm looking forward to seeing some of your SD vids. You can fly it by the phone, it allows you to bring up the joysticks on the screen. I wouldn't worry about making it turn around for landing, it comes down slow enough that it really isn't needed with the battery hanging down like it does.
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Welcome to the forum.?
It still freaks me out when I hear the blades ramp up and it darts off to the side. It's a different beast. I probably need to start trusting it more.

Got my S2 a few weeks ago after waiting about a year. I ride dirt bikes and mountain bikes and hope to include some drone footage in some future vids. So far, all of my vids have been shot via helmet cam.

I've owned a Mavic Pro for a couple years, and can fly it pretty well, but it doesn't follow a rider very well....and lacks obstacle avoidance except for the most rudimentary, which actually saved it. I've not used the follow modes on it since that day....it just doesn't work well without a pilot.

The S2 freaked me out on first flight when I tried the 'learn' thing via phone. Ya hafta touch someplace to make it go there and I couldn't tell where I was telling it to go and it almost hit a tree branch. Apparently there is no way to actually fly the drone (as in manual mode) via a phone....all I've gotten to work are the skills, even though there is controller configuration stuff.

Got the beacon out yesterday (also have the controller) and can now hand launch and catch it. I need to figure out quickest way to execute a catch...I was putting it in steering mode to turn it around (facing away from me) and telling it to land. Catching it is easier than I thought it was gonna be!

Lots to learn...
Welcome! You're gonna have a blast with your SD2! I almost exclusively fly with the beacon. You didn't say WHERE you are in Colorado. I'm in Southern Jefferson County, about 4 kM NW of Chatfield State Park. Check out some of my local videos at Jim Flannery, KØUNX Some were shot following me on an e-bike, and I'm currently rebuilding a mountain bike that was "used and abused" by it's previous owner. Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] .

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