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Feb 9, 2022
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This is only for Skydio 2+ owners outside the US

This is all procedure steps that I did and documented (I did this 2 times)

Before you begin the procedures make sure that your skydio 2+ is turned off for more than 30 min

This are just recomended extra steps (because I'm just paranoid)
  1. Go to a location without GPS signal (Not sure if this is necessary but better be safe)
  2. Uninstall the Skydio app
  3. Put the phone on airplain mode
  4. turn on the WiFi on your phone (cellular data must be off)
  5. Get the fake GPS app like the one: Fake GPS location - Apps on Google Play and in the app change your location to USA (you have to enable "Allow mock locations" option in the android developer options menu)
  6. Install the Skydio app

Factory Reset for Skydio 2+ (it seems the procedure is not the same for the old Skydio 2)
  1. Remove the battery from the Skydio 2+ (for this to work the drone must be with NO battery)
  2. Connect the usb-c cable for battery charging to the main unit's usb-c connector that is on top of the drone.
  3. When you connect the usb-c cable to the drone the blue light of the main body will turn on an then it will start to blink.
  4. When it starts the blinking pattern just count 6 blinks and immediately remove the USB-c port from the charging port.
  5. Repeat this power cycle 6 times: (Connect the cable > Blue light turns ON > 6 blinks > disconnect de cable)
  6. At seventh time, connect the cable and leave it alone. The blue light will start to blink and the factory reset will begin.
  7. You can now connect the (full) battery to the drone but don't disconnect the usb-c power cord from the drone
  8. It will take 10 - 15 mins for the factory reset be completed
  9. After factory reset is completed the blue lights from the drone will be steady (no blinking)
  10. You will see now the SSID visible from the skydio 2+ on you phone's WiFi settings
  11. You can now open and connect the skydio app to the drone
  12. If the connection drops you have to go to your phone's wifi advanced settings and turn off the automatic connection

That's it, that's the Jailbreak of the Skydio 2+, I called SKYDIO2+FOREU method
I hope it works with you guys

Regarding the theory of this issuse, I have several theories why this is happening:

1 - New Firmware Update brings geofencing feature for European costumers
it works like this: if the drone comes without the new firmware update out of the box, you will be able to connect to the drone with your phone and perform the initial setup, you will be able to fly normally but after you update the firmware the change to the drone's system protocol will not be instant, it will wait chronologically or after the last flight and then when you turn it on again the new system protocol it will be activated and you will not see anymore the Drone's WiFi SSID (This was certainly my case and the most plausible theory)

2 - The app knows where you are and sends a disable WiFi Network command to the drone and it's permanent (not very realistic and plausible theory because it will disable permanently the wifi connection with no way for the skydio team remotely enable the wifi again when you come back home to USA.)

3 - The Skydio 2+ has built in GPS and knows where you are and if you are outside USA it will disable the WiFi module (this theory is very plausible because it's an easy way to automate and manage geofencing because theres no need for internet connection just a GPS position, it's very easy i can do this with some raspberry pi modules and some switches and programming...)

Regardless witch all of the 3 theories are true, all of them shares the same obscure principle that is making me sick:
THIS IS NOT a "malfunction" as stated by the Skydio support team, this "issue" was made by design.
they say that european WiFi devices are not compatible with the US 5GHz bands, but my European devices are working ok with the drone without the "Magic Firmware Update" you don't need to be very smart to understand what's going on right?

Peace out
Alcino Major
Thanks for discovery, in March I'll get my hands on S2+ and since I'm in Russia, it will probably be giving me a hard time to start and work with phones I own. If this issue is not GPS-related (i.e. drone can fly outside of the US and the fence is outside of its hardware) then buying the phone in the US could be a fix.
This is the reply I got from the skydio team:

"Hello Alcino,

Thanks for reaching out. Sounds like you've had a mysteriously frustrating few days with your new drone. Rest assured, your Skydio is not geofenced. What you are experiencing is wifi interference stemming from the conflict between our North American hardware and the UK standard. However I've heard rumblings that there may be a software fix for this in the future.

It makes sense that the person on the forum didn't have a problem with their Skydio 2, because the 2+ has a totally different set of channels/signals on it. The standard 2 used some 2.4ghz signals, which is probably why they were able to see it.

We currently only sell and ship to the US (excluding US territories) and Canada, but plan to expand to other countries soon (we don't have a firm timeline just yet). The primary reason is that Skydio drones are not yet certified for consumer use or warrantied outside of the US or Canada.

To stay updated on any changes with Skydio, please feel free to sign up here (scroll down to the bottom of the website).

Let us know if you have any other questions.


I'm currently working on a new permanent fix for this "no WiFi connection outside of USA" issue
I'm performing a lot of testing to be sure that I'm 100% right,
I will try to release all the information and detailed instructions late today (If I can)

but there's one thing you must be aware: If you bought your Skydio 2+ recently "DON'T TURN IT ON YET"
If you already have turn it on an try to connect to your phone you will have to perform the "Factory Reset"

Please be patient and Stay tune.

Last edited:
I have just gotten a response back from Skydio. I have been in direct comms with the Skydio CEO. Here's the latest update. They are trying to find out how to deploy it to us given we cannot connect to the WIFI SSD to update the drone's firmwire.

12/02/2022 -18:48

Our latest software update (15.11.33), released on February 10th, resolves the known issue that made Skydio 2+ unable to fly in certain regions outside of the US and Canada. Our engineers are investigating possible solutions for users who are outside of the approved regions and are unable to connect to apply the latest update, but cannot guarantee a resolution at this time.
Hey guys. so mine is working now as well and is fully updated. I will do a first flight tomorrow. It seems the simplest/quickest way is to :

1) Stick the Skydio 2+ in a Microwave (turned off and unplugged)
2) Turn on your phone's Wifi and you should see the SSD show up!
3) Open the app and install the latest update. The latest firmwire update deals with the issue and the drone is now broadcasting the SSD anytime.

I'll report back with a first flight tomorrow lunch time. Delta one over & out!

.View attachment 727
Hi Guys,

I just bought Skydio 2+ (cinema kit)
Now I see this is the only solution for me (based in the United Kingdom).

1. The microwave works ✅ :)
2. factory reset method works ✅
3. the SSID appeared - but I think I need an Android device with 'fake GPS'
4. the SSID has gone because of Beacon - probably it sends GPS info back to the drone. So it can't be used (please check).
5. I'm going to use the Galaxy S8 and the template above.

Lastly - hope Skydio will cover Europe 🙄
1. phone is running with a fake GPS
2. the SSID showing up for a few seconds but still the app is unable to connect

all steps have been done... several times

please help
Good afternoon, my name is Romo and I am from SPAIN. I bought the skydio 2+ in the USA and when trying to install it in Spain, neither the iPhone nor any device detects the wifi of the drone all the time, they give an error and the beacon says all the time that it is looking for it, I Tried to reset the drone, the Beacon application and everything is the same, can someone help me. Thank you very much
For me the same, I live in Belgium and also not possible to connect to Wifi Skydio 2+. It’s everywhere in Europe, Aldo the Skydio 2 from my brother fly’s more than 2 years in Belgium, so disappointed, I hope Skydio will realize soon that we need a fix, please 🙏🙏
First of all - IT WORKS

The drone can not see GPS and WIFI signals. GPS - because of the location, WIFI - because of its frequency range (US is different than EU).

I've wrapped the drone with aluminium foil ... like 3 layers. Next, I've put it in the microwave (Faraday cage). Once the drone can "see" the GPS or other wifis, it will "say"... man, I'm gonna turn my wifi off and goodbye :)

This foil and microwave are for tricking the "system".

You have to hard reset the drone first.

so... keep your phone close to the microwave with the drone in it. Turn in on (the drone) and quickly shut the door.
You will get the drone wifi signal.
Next - the update. Five steps.

You will end up with a fully working drone ... like nothing ever happened.
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Good evening from Spain, I have managed to link everything thanks to the explanations of my fellow forum members, I reset everything from the factory and when it was time to install it I took the drone down to the basement so that when it was turned on it would not detect the GPS and so I could track it I was even going to fly it but since it was night it wouldn't let me... the problem is that when you turn it off and on again the device detects the GPS again and the Wi-Fi disappears again, so I start over... SKYDIO will have to get an update now or return the money...
First of all - IT WORKS

The drone can not see GPS and WIFI signals. GPS - because of the location, WIFI - because of its frequency range (US is different than EU).

I've wrapped the drone with aluminium foil ... like 3 layers. Next, I've put it in the microwave (Faraday cage). Once the drone can "see" the GPS or other wifis, it will "say"... man, I'm gonna turn my wifi off and goodbye :)

This foil and microwave are for tricking the "system".

You have to hard reset the drone first.

so... keep your phone close to the microwave with the drone in it. Turn in on (the drone) and quickly shut the door.
You will get the drone wifi signal.
Next - the update. Five steps.

You will end up with a fully working drone ... like nothing ever happened.
Hello, that works but once you turn it off and then turn it back on, the Drone's GPS recognizes again that it is not in the US and the Wi-Fi disappears again
Prima di tutto - FUNZIONA

Il drone non può vedere i segnali GPS e WIFI. GPS - a causa della posizione, WIFI - a causa della sua gamma di frequenza (gli Stati Uniti sono diversi dall'UE).

Ho avvolto il drone con un foglio di alluminio ... come 3 strati. Successivamente, l'ho messo nel microonde (gabbia di Faraday). Una volta che il drone può "vedere" il GPS o altri wifi, "dirà"... amico, spegnerò il mio wifi e arrivederci:)

Questa pellicola e microonde servono per ingannare il "sistema".

Devi prima resettare a fondo il drone.

quindi... tieni il telefono vicino al microonde con il drone dentro. Accendi (il drone) e chiudi rapidamente la porta.
Riceverai il segnale wifi del drone.
Avanti: l'aggiornamento. Cinque passi.

Finirai con un drone perfettamente funzionante... come se non fosse mai successo niente.
Ti dispiacerebbe spiegare come resettare il drone? Grazie
This is only for Skydio 2+ owners outside the US

This is all procedure steps that I did and documented (I did this 2 times)

Before you begin the procedures make sure that your skydio 2+ is turned off for more than 30 min

This are just recomended extra steps (because I'm just paranoid)
  1. Go to a location without GPS signal (Not sure if this is necessary but better be safe)
  2. Uninstall the Skydio app
  3. Put the phone on airplain mode
  4. turn on the WiFi on your phone (cellular data must be off)
  5. Get the fake GPS app like the one: Fake GPS location - Apps on Google Play and in the app change your location to USA (you have to enable "Allow mock locations" option in the android developer options menu)
  6. Install the Skydio app

Factory Reset for Skydio 2+ (it seems the procedure is not the same for the old Skydio 2)
  1. Remove the battery from the Skydio 2+ (for this to work the drone must be with NO battery)
  2. Connect the usb-c cable for battery charging to the main unit's usb-c connector that is on top of the drone.
  3. When you connect the usb-c cable to the drone the blue light of the main body will turn on an then it will start to blink.
  4. When it starts the blinking pattern just count 6 blinks and immediately remove the USB-c port from the charging port.
  5. Repeat this power cycle 6 times: (Connect the cable > Blue light turns ON > 6 blinks > disconnect de cable)
  6. At seventh time, connect the cable and leave it alone. The blue light will start to blink and the factory reset will begin.
  7. You can now connect the (full) battery to the drone but don't disconnect the usb-c power cord from the drone
  8. It will take 10 - 15 mins for the factory reset be completed
  9. After factory reset is completed the blue lights from the drone will be steady (no blinking)
  10. You will see now the SSID visible from the skydio 2+ on you phone's WiFi settings
  11. You can now open and connect the skydio app to the drone
  12. If the connection drops you have to go to your phone's wifi advanced settings and turn off the automatic connection

That's it, that's the Jailbreak of the Skydio 2+, I called SKYDIO2+FOREU method
I hope it works with you guys

Regarding the theory of this issuse, I have several theories why this is happening:

1 - New Firmware Update brings geofencing feature for European costumers
it works like this: if the drone comes without the new firmware update out of the box, you will be able to connect to the drone with your phone and perform the initial setup, you will be able to fly normally but after you update the firmware the change to the drone's system protocol will not be instant, it will wait chronologically or after the last flight and then when you turn it on again the new system protocol it will be activated and you will not see anymore the Drone's WiFi SSID (This was certainly my case and the most plausible theory)

2 - The app knows where you are and sends a disable WiFi Network command to the drone and it's permanent (not very realistic and plausible theory because it will disable permanently the wifi connection with no way for the skydio team remotely enable the wifi again when you come back home to USA.)

3 - The Skydio 2+ has built in GPS and knows where you are and if you are outside USA it will disable the WiFi module (this theory is very plausible because it's an easy way to automate and manage geofencing because theres no need for internet connection just a GPS position, it's very easy i can do this with some raspberry pi modules and some switches and programming...)

Regardless witch all of the 3 theories are true, all of them shares the same obscure principle that is making me sick:
THIS IS NOT a "malfunction" as stated by the Skydio support team, this "issue" was made by design.
they say that european WiFi devices are not compatible with the US 5GHz bands, but my European devices are working ok with the drone without the "Magic Firmware Update" you don't need to be very smart to understand what's going on right?

Peace out
Alcino Major
can you tell me your firmware number please?

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