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Pros and cons so far

Okay Lon, here's my longer reply.

Pros that you commented on:
1. 4k 60fps. Not sure why you mention the Autel controller and range here; I had the Skydio controller and range in my list of cons already. 4k 60fps at this price point is a strong pro.
3. Fast/backwards/sideways with confidence due to OA: Here is where my opinion could change the most once I get to use the drone. But based on videos I've seen I disagree that jerkiness and unexpected movements take away as much from this pro as you say. Yes to some extent pilot skill is involved as well as strategic editing, as with those awesomely cinematic shots from Hawaii on the video I've shared elsewhere on this forum. But still, MOST of the most cinematic non-tracking drone shots I've seen on YouTube lately, many from pilots not especially skilled, have come from Skydio drones. Mostly thanks to the OA letting them get shots they wouldn't even attempt with other drones. More on this later.
5. Quickshots in 4k, responded to this already, can anyone confirm? Another advantage over DJI at least is, you can keep recording in a continuous shot after the automated part is finished. As in a dronie both revealing and returning.
7. Gimbal: Agreed that other drones have gimbals that point up, but with the Mavic you see the props, and with the Anafi so many cons in general that I wouldn't want it.
9. Geofencing: Agree that no geofencing is a con with regard to safety, but the DJI geofencing is way too restrictive.
11. Agree with this addition of yours about OA at top speed. This pro pairs with #3.

Neutral/mixed : You mostly agreed here, only disagreeing about US companies having better customer service. But I was talking about SMALL companies. Specifically, the smallness of the company making the Skydio and the lack of a language barrier means much better customer service, especially compared to DJI.

Now as for the cons, your expanded list is partly just that you're being more specific than me. For example, I was including the 400 ft. ceiling in my "bad range" con. But in general you sound more negative on the cons than what I've heard from others; for example most aren't as down on the controller as you. Perhaps I would agree if I had the chance to try it.. I would like to hear more about this slow startup times con you mention, since I haven't heard many complaints on that front except with regard to getting the beacon to recognize the drone's GPS. I agree about the inaccurate telemetry and some of your other added cons, and in general you have made me aware of more problems with reliability and safety than I had realized there were.

But the bottom line is this: I would modify your "most drones in the $1000 to $2000 range beat the Skydio 2 in every aspect except OA, 4k60 and tracking only if you include the beacon" to say "most drones in the $1000 to $2000 range beat the Skydio in ways that don't matter to most people as much as the crucial Skydio supremacy with OA and fast tracking with the beacon, which together can take drone video to a new level of drama and excitement, while not requiring advanced piloting skills." Sure, drones such as the mp2 can do a wider variety of things better than the Skydio can, but which things? How much better? Would you rather have an electric car that goes 400 miles on a single charge, has a great sound system, and goes 90mph, or one for the same price that only goes 200 miles, has no sound system, only goes 60mph, and oh, by the way, can drive itself?
Okay Lon, here's my longer reply.

Pros that you commented on:
1. 4k 60fps. Not sure why you mention the Autel controller and range here; I had the Skydio controller and range in my list of cons already. 4k 60fps at this price point is a strong pro.
3. Fast/backwards/sideways with confidence due to OA: Here is where my opinion could change the most once I get to use the drone. But based on videos I've seen I disagree that jerkiness and unexpected movements take away as much from this pro as you say. Yes to some extent pilot skill is involved as well as strategic editing, as with those awesomely cinematic shots from Hawaii on the video I've shared elsewhere on this forum. But still, MOST of the most cinematic non-tracking drone shots I've seen on YouTube lately, many from pilots not especially skilled, have come from Skydio drones. Mostly thanks to the OA letting them get shots they wouldn't even attempt with other drones. More on this later.
5. Quickshots in 4k, responded to this already, can anyone confirm? Another advantage over DJI at least is, you can keep recording in a continuous shot after the automated part is finished. As in a dronie both revealing and returning.
7. Gimbal: Agreed that other drones have gimbals that point up, but with the Mavic you see the props, and with the Anafi so many cons in general that I wouldn't want it.
9. Geofencing: Agree that no geofencing is a con with regard to safety, but the DJI geofencing is way too restrictive.
11. Agree with this addition of yours about OA at top speed. This pro pairs with #3.

Neutral/mixed : You mostly agreed here, only disagreeing about US companies having better customer service. But I was talking about SMALL companies. Specifically, the smallness of the company making the Skydio and the lack of a language barrier means much better customer service, especially compared to DJI.

Now as for the cons, your expanded list is partly just that you're being more specific than me. For example, I was including the 400 ft. ceiling in my "bad range" con. But in general you sound more negative on the cons than what I've heard from others; for example most aren't as down on the controller as you. Perhaps I would agree if I had the chance to try it.. I would like to hear more about this slow startup times con you mention, since I haven't heard many complaints on that front except with regard to getting the beacon to recognize the drone's GPS. I agree about the inaccurate telemetry and some of your other added cons, and in general you have made me aware of more problems with reliability and safety than I had realized there were.

But the bottom line is this: I would modify your "most drones in the $1000 to $2000 range beat the Skydio 2 in every aspect except OA, 4k60 and tracking only if you include the beacon" to say "most drones in the $1000 to $2000 range beat the Skydio in ways that don't matter to most people as much as the crucial Skydio supremacy with OA and fast tracking with the beacon, which together can take drone video to a new level of drama and excitement, while not requiring advanced piloting skills." Sure, drones such as the mp2 can do a wider variety of things better than the Skydio can, but which things? How much better? Would you rather have an electric car that goes 400 miles on a single charge, has a great sound system, and goes 90mph, or one for the same price that only goes 200 miles, has no sound system, only goes 60mph, and oh, by the way, can drive itself?

Sorry, you mentioned cost, the Autel has a $300 controller included, with 4k60 and better range for $1000. I wasn't clear.

Slow start up time... Compared to the competition, it takes FOREVER to get the Skydio in the air. Watch Captain Drone's video... I should have done a side by side comparison of from the carrying case to the sky, especially if you have the Smart Controller.

Customer support, Skydio is awesome, no doubt about it! I'm not sure if it's because they are American or small, though.

Yea, me and the controller never saw eye to eye. I compared the Skydio to the Mavic Mini and the Mini got double the range... Even though they they have the same specs. The phone holder is GARBAGE! Full stop! I just don't like it. Personal opinion.

Kendall is a great pilot and editor for sure. I believe you can get great footage using the S2/ controller, especially in complex environments. On a day to day basis, though, I find it easier with other platforms, that's all. I'm not flying in the jungle or the National Redwood Forrest Preserve that often...

Sorry but with the Mavic 2 there aren't props in the shot that I've ever seen in my almost 2 years of ownership and hundreds of flights. Maybe the original Mavic but now you're talking about 4 Year old tech... I mean who's looking up that much? If that were a hot button, I'd get the Anafi.

As far as restrictions go, not being able to fly in low light, indoors/tight quarters, above 400' from take off point, short range, etc are more restrictive than NFZs but I've never been in a red zone so it doesn't affect me. Everyone complains about NFZs but I just don't see why it's such a problem? At worst I've been required to identify myself or accept responsibility. It seems reasonable to me.

I agree that the Skydio 2 is helpful to new/unskilled pilots and has way better "training wheels" but there comes a time that you want full control or to take the training wheels off and you can't.

I like to drive and rarely take long trips in the car so... Hahaha!

I flew the Skydio 2 almost every day for a month. My opinions are based on that experience and from my experiences with the dozen or so other drones I own or have owned. I fully agree that some needs may be perfectly met by the Skydio 2! It's a great drone! I was reacting to the idea that it's the best "overall drone" which I completely disagree with. When I think of best overall anything, it has to be very good or the best at everything.

Good discussion! I respect well considered points of view, thank you!
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My S2 is beginning to shine. I think it updated because when I booted up today I had to accept the user agreement again.

I'll post a video soon but today my S2 stayed locked on target, no more turning off to the side. I flew 2 batteries trough it and not once did it lose me or mis-frame the subject. Also my S2 flew lower to the ground, it still flared up a bit but better than before.

I had my Typhoon, Anafi and S2 out today and it was so nice to throw the S2 up and forget about it while the other drones had to be "flown".
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Hey thats great to hear! Sounds like a substantial improvement. Anyone else experiencing this?
Can you explain Item 7 a little more?

Not sure what your implying...
The Skydio has a height floor setting, keeping it above about 8 feet from the ground, for safety reasons. I would like to see it also have a height ceiling setting, keeping it BELOW a certain height such as 10 feet, for environments such as forests. Very often when tracking someone in a forest the Skydio will get hung up in the canopy because it goes up to avoid obstacles like branches, and it seems like it would do much better if the default dodging behavior were going around or down rather than up. And it seems like if the software can restrict how low it goes it should be able to restrict how high as well...
My S2 is beginning to shine. I think it updated because when I booted up today I had to accept the user agreement again.

I'll post a video soon but today my S2 stayed locked on target, no more turning off to the side. I flew 2 batteries trough it and not once did it lose me or mis-frame the subject. Also my S2 flew lower to the ground, it still flared up a bit but better than before.

I had my Typhoon, Anafi and S2 out today and it was so nice to throw the S2 up and forget about it while the other drones had to be "flown".
Looks like Skydio is serious about listening to its customers....

Do each of the units (i.e. S2, beacon, controller) each have their own firmware versions?

Is there an easy way to tell which version of firmware you have?
The Skydio has a height floor setting, keeping it above about 8 feet from the ground, for safety reasons. I would like to see it also have a height ceiling setting, keeping it BELOW a certain height such as 10 feet, for environments such as forests. Very often when tracking someone in a forest the Skydio will get hung up in the canopy because it goes up to avoid obstacles like branches, and it seems like it would do much better if the default dodging behavior were going around or down rather than up. And it seems like if the software can restrict how low it goes it should be able to restrict how high as well...
I see what you mean but having a "below" limit on the S2 height floor setting would probably result in even more cases of it getting hung up.

Whether up or around is the best way to go would probably be different for each situation it finds itself trapped.

We're already beginning to expect a lot (maybe too much??) of this drone but wouldn't being able to test escape routes faster be a better way to go?

Finding none maybe it could even just back out and try to re-acquire its target.
I see what you mean but having a "below" limit on the S2 height floor setting would probably result in even more cases of it getting hung up.

Whether up or around is the best way to go would probably be different for each situation it finds itself trapped.

We're already beginning to expect a lot (maybe too much??) of this drone but wouldn't being able to test escape routes faster be a better way to go?

Finding none maybe it could even just back out and try to re-acquire its target.
Maybe I wasn't clear; I mean that with the height "ceiling" turned on, the "floor" would be off, so the drone could fly anywhere below the ceiling. Seems like in a place like a forest where down low there's a lot of empty space and up above is where most of the obstacles are, a height ceiling would help to minimize the drone getting hung up in the canopy as it dodges obstacles. (Tracking at a really low height can be a really cool shot visually as well.) Please elaborate on why you think a height ceiling might make tracking in a forest worse rather than better.
Maybe I wasn't clear; I mean that with the height "ceiling" turned on, the "floor" would be off, so the drone could fly anywhere below the ceiling. Seems like in a place like a forest where down low there's a lot of empty space and up above is where most of the obstacles are, a height ceiling would help to minimize the drone getting hung up in the canopy as it dodges obstacles. (Tracking at a really low height can be a really cool shot visually as well.) Please elaborate on why you think a height ceiling might make tracking in a forest worse rather than better.
Can't agree with some of your conclusions.

An "upper" height ceiling wouldn't automatically mean that you couldn't also simultaneously have a "lower" height ceiling.

The more limits you try to impose the less chance the drone has of finding its way out of a tight spot. If for example you imposed an arbitrary 10 foot upper height and it could have found its way out at 11 feet you'd have made it worse.

Limits should only be imposed for safety reasons.... I think Skydio did that when they assumed the "lower" height limit of 8 feet would be higher than the height of most pilots flying the S2.
Can't agree with some of your conclusions.

An "upper" height ceiling wouldn't automatically mean that you couldn't also simultaneously have a "lower" height ceiling.

The more limits you try to impose the less chance the drone has of finding its way out of a tight spot. If for example you imposed an arbitrary 10 foot upper height and it could have found its way out at 11 feet you'd have made it worse.

Limits should only be imposed for safety reasons.... I think Skydio did that when they assumed the "lower" height limit of 8 feet would be higher than the height of most pilots flying the S2.
It still seems like you don't understand what I'm proposing, or maybe I'm not understanding you. First of all I'm not saying anything about an "automatic" floor or ceiling. It's simply the reverse of what it has now, as an alternative. Not having both settings on at the same time. This would allow three possibilities instead of the two that exist now. As it is now, with option #1 of the height floor set to "on," if there is a path around an obstacle that involves flying below 8 feet, the drone is prohibited from choosing that path and instead tries to find another, higher one. Sometimes it can't find one, especially in a place like a forest, and often gets hung up in the canopy. With the current option #2, no floor (or ceiling) set, sometimes the drone will choose that lower, under 8 feet path around the obstacle, but sometimes it won't, so the result is somewhat better performance in forests, but the drone still sometimes gets hung up in the canopy. But with my new option #3, height "ceiling" set to "on" (but with no floor), if there is a path around an obstacle that is above the ceiling, say 10 feet, the drone is prohibited from taking that path, and instead seeks a lower one. Sure, it could still get hung up because of low obstacles, but since most obstacles are up high in a forest, it seems like with this option #3, the drone would get hung up the fewest times. Why wouldn't that be the case? You are requiring the drone to search in precisely the areas where there are the fewest obstacles, and prohibiting it from searching where there are the most.
Of course this option would be the least safe of the three in terms of the danger of hitting people. Maybe that's why it's not offered...
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It still seems like you don't understand what I'm proposing, or maybe I'm not understanding you. First of all I'm not saying anything about an "automatic" floor or ceiling. It's simply the reverse of what it has now, as an alternative. Not having both settings on at the same time. This would allow three possibilities instead of the two that exist now. As it is now, with option #1 of the height floor set to "on," if there is a path around an obstacle that involves flying below 8 feet, the drone is prohibited from choosing that path and instead tries to find another, higher one. Sometimes it can't find one, especially in a place like a forest, and often gets hung up in the canopy. With the current option #2, no floor (or ceiling) set, sometimes the drone will choose that lower, under 8 feet path around the obstacle, but sometimes it won't, so the result is somewhat better performance in forests, but the drone still sometimes gets hung up in the canopy. But with my new option #3, height "ceiling" set to "on" (but with no floor), if there is a path around an obstacle that is above the ceiling, say 10 feet, the drone is prohibited from taking that path, and instead seeks a lower one. Sure, it could still get hung up because of low obstacles, but since most obstacles are up high in a forest, it seems like with this option #3, the drone would get hung up the fewest times. Why wouldn't that be the case? You are requiring the drone to search in precisely the areas where there are the fewest obstacles, and prohibiting it from searching where there are the most.
Of course this option would be the least safe of the three in terms of the danger of hitting people. Maybe that's why it's not offered...
Yup... Your last two (2) sentences express exactly the reason I think your option 3 is not the way to go.

Sacrificing safety to improve the S2's ability to get out of a trap (or perhaps to just get "cooler" av) takes away a level of insurance that protects pilots and non-pilots alike from the unexpected.
Ok fair enough! Speaking of safety, Skydio needs to stress more their warning about thin wires. All those high speed tracking videos in crowded urban environments..
Ok fair enough! Speaking of safety, Skydio needs to stress more their warning about thin wires. All those high speed tracking videos in crowded urban environments..
Although not exactly the same the need to post that kind of warning would kind of remind me of the infamous Mickey Dee incident that prompted the "This coffee may be hot... be careful out there" warning.

What's really ironic is the longer and more plentiful warning lists get the less chance there is that anyone reads them... ;)
I stumbled onto a drone crash compilation on YT, power wires take out allot of drones, probably the most of any obstacle after trees. I have very little sympathy for a buyer who spends $1000 on a piece of equipment and doesn't take the time to read, understand and/or heed the manufacturers warnings. Stupid is often expensive.
At some point common sense must take over, people fly planes into power wires not seeing them.

Warnings aside it’s challenging to release a drone with the S2’s abilities since some will have unrealistic expectations. My S2 has impressed me, it avoids obstacles then I do but I still keep an eye on it at all times.
I stumbled onto a drone crash compilation on YT, power wires take out allot of drones, probably the most of any obstacle after trees. I have very little sympathy for a buyer who spends $1000 on a piece of equipment and doesn't take the time to read, understand and/or heed the manufacturers warnings. Stupid is often expensive.

Can't disagree with that sentiment! I've lost several drones over the years to stupidity and power lines!

Example... 3DR Solo

Example Mavic 2 Pro

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Skydio will probably be relieved when winter is over and trees get some leaves!

As for power lines maybe the utility companies can start making there lines more visible to accommodate our drone flying.

How is that for wishful thinking? LOL :)
Skydio will probably be relieved when winter is over and trees get some leaves!

As for power lines maybe the utility companies can start making there lines more visible to accommodate our drone flying.

How is that for wishful thinking? LOL :)

Pretty wishful... While you're at it send Scarlett Johansen my way! Hahaha!
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I'm not entirely sure how the Skydio 2 isn't used for training more often. Being able to see what is going on from the air is another level of analysis.
I’m curious to see how often or with what kind of regularity Skydio will send out firmware updates. Hopefully it will be more often then Autel. So far just the one for telemetry that I’ve noticed.

I hope the updates are well tested.

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