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R1 Acting Funny


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Sep 17, 2023
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Hey everyone, recently resurrected my R1 from 4 yr sleep, Had to jump the batteries awake, but the drone acts extremely funky. Flying inside, (like a gymnasium), I get about 9-10 min of flight time, but when I take it outside, I get 30 seconds before the drone self lands, and reports the battery at 1% when it was at 100% a few seconds ago. I've only had one test where the drone dies completely and drops from the air. Any help?
Hey everyone, recently resurrected my R1 from 4 yr sleep, Had to jump the batteries awake, but the drone acts extremely funky. Flying inside, (like a gymnasium), I get about 9-10 min of flight time, but when I take it outside, I get 30 seconds before the drone self lands, and reports the battery at 1% when it was at 100% a few seconds ago. I've only had one test where the drone dies completely and drops from the air. Any help?
Hey @Th3_Butcher_. Just wondering if you had any update on your R1's behavior/performance after jumpstarting your batteries. Did it get better or is it your experience that jumping them didn't truly revive the cells?
Also, I saw another post where you briefly described how you jumped your batteries. I've taken the top cover off one of my batteries and have tried "using" a switching power supply but no luck yet. Can you hook me up with specifics on how you jumped them? Thanks! Cheers!


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I feel for you but also envious that you have a working batt. Sadly, I don't think anyone will reply here. I'm still stuck with a brand new R1 and 2 dead batteries. No replies on multiple forums/sites. =(

I haven't yet been able to get the one battery I've been working on to accept any charge from a switching power supply that I've connected to where the black and red mains are soldered into the circuit board near the top of the battery enclosure.

I'm still going to try shaving some rubber coating off one of the 2 black mains and one of the 2 red mains and connecting my switching power supply to exposed cable there.

It sucks that the one person who purportedly jump started his gave close to zero details to how exactly he did it.

Good luck and congrats on having one working battery! If you ever want to sell the working batt (once you're bored of playing with or whatever), I'd be happy to buy. =)
Arduino is a good idea! I didn't think about that. Gonna look up how it's done. However, I've heard a lot of bad things about the design of this R1 battery and potentially a defect in its design which is seeming more and more obvious. I would feel a lot better about my chances at jumping a DJI drone battery.
The worst part is I haven't found any seller of this battery or even a knock-off version. I figured some battery seller in China would have something but I haven't found jack
I guess it depends on the condition of your working battery and what it's worth to you. If you sell it you'll have a useless $2,000 drone just like me lol. Unless you figure out how to revive dead ones in which you have to let me know haha.
I would pay around $100 give or take tho
I'd pay at least whatever the retail battery went for hahaha. Nah I'm j/k I won't buy your only working battery. Couldn't do that to ya lol.

Hell yeah! I'm down but have no idea how to. It sounds like you have some ideas tho. That would be sick. Hit me up in DM or something. Would love to help!
Gotcha. Yeah that sounds nice bro. I hoped to do similar things with mine until I tried to charge the batteries and found that neither battery would charge.
I checked the YouTube for the DJI Arduino and I would love to do that but we don't have the circuit diagram that they used to determine which pins were positive/negative, SCL and SDA. If we could somehow find a circuit diagram for the connector at the bottom of the battery we'd be golden. I think I have an arduino but if not then I'd buy one.

Let's see what we can do to revive our batteries but if we can't get them working then I'd buy your drone, batt and phone for $600
Yo @Kzak3745 dont sell it on the other thread. If you're done trying to get a batt and really want to sell it I'll buy it now.

Just figured if you still wanted to put some more cycles in trying to revive the batteries before you decide to sell then we could wait. But you let me know. You want to sell it already then I'll buy
I'm in the US. California. That's dope bro! I'll take it. How do you want to arrange the sale?
Lol, I have to buy it now. You're reminding me of all the reasons I wanted this **** drone in the first place =p
Sounds great tho, I got $600 ready for you.

If we could do it in person that'd obviously be the best but flying you and doggy out here would add quite a bit on top of the $600 hahaha. Let's do the shipping thing. I'll message you

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