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S2 Pilot from the Mid South


Nov 28, 2022
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Hey everyone - I just scooped up a gently used S2 Cinema kit and have really been enjoying the flights. I’ve been following the drone industry for a couple years and even got a couple tiny whoops to bang around the house eachine (E010). They were great to help me learn the basics of control, but I always wanted a “big boy” drone. After saving cash and carving out some time, I picked up this sweet deal.

I already registered the drone and completed my TRUST. I have been going through the FAA’s study guide for P107, and might just try to take the exam without a prep course. I have a good understanding of weather conditions and the guide does a good job outlining the systems and rules we have to take into consideration. Any feedback on experience?

For the time being, I’m planning on flying at least a few times a week and getting more familiar with the skills and comfort piloting. Filming my son at the BMX track, exploring, and getting some great clips/shots. But, I would like to see if I can get a couple gigs on the side.

I’m excited to see what Skydio has in store for the next generation - and beyond!
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Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum!
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