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SD2 Crash Assessment and Under the hood pics.


Well-known member
Wiki Editor
Nov 20, 2019
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As some of you know, I recently obtained a crashed SD2. Of course I disassembled it in the hope of resurrecting the drone, I figured nothing to loose and after seeing the drone I understand why it had a very expensive repair estimate.

From what I can tell it fell from a height with one of the arms impacting the ground like a spear, likely with the weight of the drone behind it.
Impact marks:


The impact damaged the motor so it no longer spins freely and it cracked the blue magnesium housing.
I used some 2 part epoxy to repair the cracked arm which worked very well.

It doesn't look pretty but I have no doubt this would have held up fine.

What I was unable to resolve what when the arm snapped it ripped the micro connector off the board damaging it. (just to the left of the + sign


The impact also ripped the lens off the RH avoidance camera and broke it's mount.


I was able to power it up, connect, update the software but it was getting v19 and v30 errors as it couldn't see the camera sensor on the RHF arm.
From what I could see it would need a new motor, magnesium case, RHF sensor assy and a motherboard due to the damaged connector. That's probably 2/3 of the drone plus all the work disassembling and reassembling, Due to the micro electronics assembly is very exacting work. I suspect skydio would have swapped it for a refirb if someone was willing to foot the repair bill.

My lesson after seeing the amount of damage a direct fall can cause is to keep up the insurance on it. The gimbal, 3 of the motors, 5 avoidance cameras, as well as the gps, video and ESC modules are salvagable and I wouldn't have an issue reusing it's the magnesium case.

Here's some additional under the hood pics.





Cool seeing under the hood. Thanks for sharing. When I crashed my first Skydio one of the motors was seized, think it took a similar hit. My case cracked too. Skydio definitely isn't engineered to survive a crash.
As some of you know, I recently obtained a crashed SD2. Of course I disassembled it in the hope of resurrecting the drone, I figured nothing to loose and after seeing the drone I understand why it had a very expensive repair estimate.

From what I can tell it fell from a height with one of the arms impacting the ground like a spear, likely with the weight of the drone behind it.
Impact marks:


The impact damaged the motor so it no longer spins freely and it cracked the blue magnesium housing.
I used some 2 part epoxy to repair the cracked arm which worked very well.

It doesn't look pretty but I have no doubt this would have held up fine.

What I was unable to resolve what when the arm snapped it ripped the micro connector off the board damaging it. (just to the left of the + sign


The impact also ripped the lens off the RH avoidance camera and broke it's mount.


I was able to power it up, connect, update the software but it was getting v19 and v30 errors as it couldn't see the camera sensor on the RHF arm.
From what I could see it would need a new motor, magnesium case, RHF sensor assy and a motherboard due to the damaged connector. That's probably 2/3 of the drone plus all the work disassembling and reassembling, Due to the micro electronics assembly is very exacting work. I suspect skydio would have swapped it for a refirb if someone was willing to foot the repair bill.

My lesson after seeing the amount of damage a direct fall can cause is to keep up the insurance on it. The gimbal, 3 of the motors, 5 avoidance cameras, as well as the gps, video and ESC modules are salvagable and I wouldn't have an issue reusing it's the magnesium case.

Here's some additional under the hood pics.





I saw some other pics from a thread last year and want to confirm the Wi-Fi module and wire. Is it the white wire running under the raised module to the aft of the S2?
I saw some other pics from a thread last year and want to confirm the Wi-Fi module and wire. Is it the white wire running under the raised module to the aft of the S2?
Sorry, I can't really say.
Nice breakdown was wondering what the case was made of.
Kinda wondered what was under its dress--I mean under its hood :D

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