This is an issue I'm having right now with my Controller that I haven't seen discussed here yet. We have 2 Motorola z3 phones with Android 9 OS. After I downloaded Skydio 2 ver 15.10.5 to all of my equipment, my Controller would not connect to either phone. I tried several different connection steps and it just plain will not connect. I finally launched my Skydio 2 with my phone and then connected the Controller while the drone was airborne. The Controller did fly the drone, but the phone screen shows the same features as if I was flying with phone only - it was pretty hard to tell what was going on. I've contacted Skydio service and they're looking at the situation, but no resolution yet. The update info said it would work with everything from Android 9 and up, so that should not be the issue. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this with Android 9 OS on your phone and were you able to correct the situation.