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Skydio 2 drone and battery lifespan


Dec 16, 2019
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Bucharest (RO)
Hey, I've noticed that skydio did post the lifespan of the drone or battery on the site.

  • The lifespan of a Skydio 2/2+ is 200 flight hours. After this point, you may experience a decline in performance. The drone's lifespan is highly dependent on your use case, and Skydio recommends replacing your drone when it has degraded below what is acceptable for your use case.
  • The lifespan of a Skydio 2/2+ battery is 1 year or 200 Battery cycles. After this point, you may experience a decline in charging and performance. Battery life is highly dependent on your use case, and Skydio recommends replacing your battery when the flight time has degraded below what is acceptable for your use case.

Well i'm speechless, 200 flight hours is not very much. While I have no idea what exactly would fail, I assume that these are the motors.
Those kind of numbers tend to be very conservative and are typically biased towards the short end, I'm supposed to rebuild the topend on my motorcycle at 80 hrs, they routinely go 400 hrs. That low number is designed to catch the short end of the longevity range, ie the guys that don't take good care of them. All but one of my batteries were purchased when the SD2 came out, going on 3 years old. I just got the first on screen warning that one might be going bad last outing.
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Reactions: netsonic
i believe many of us have a 2 year care package on our s2+ drones so there's that.... is there a simple way to check the hours on your drone?
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i believe many of us have a 2 year care package on our s2+ drones so there's that.... is there a simple way to check the hours on your drone?
I'm not aware of any simple way to check the total flight hours. Last June I computed the flight hours of my Skydio2 by adding up the lengths of the video (.LRV) files that are automatically recorded on each flight. It was interesting to see how it's usage varied with the season. I also extracted the GPS coordinates to recall all of the places I had flown.

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