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Skydio 2 Warranty from Crash - Thoughts? Experience?

Want to share also my experience with technical support team.

I have one RMA opened. Drone was sent to repair. All was fine during this process until drone came back and I tested first flight. I found that horizon is not leveled so need a gimbal calibration and also I can't reset the drone , nighter by app nor by hard reset. I came back to the technical customer support [email protected] . Unfortunately since 10 .03.2022 the communication was stopped from Skydio technical support , I have no resolution to my problem. Nobody is answering .

I am disappointed by this approach. How is possible that drone after being repaired on my expenses to come back with another issue, reset to factory not responding and Skydio completely ignore. I am fully ignored.

Maybe you can give me any advice how to escalade .

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