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Skydio 2 - What’s your intended usage?


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2019
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So we’re all waiting to touch & feel the “new” aircraft in town! All patiently standing in the virtual line that wraps around the block, waiting for our turn to purchase.

It’s focused on it’s highlight of 360 avoidance and it’s intelligence algorithms to manage a new level of Autonomous Flight.

It’s camera being a 2/3rds, would normally be viewed as a negative in today’s releases, but it’s generally being overlooked... watch & distract with the shinny 360 Cameras instead. We all want this USA company & craft to succeed and beat DJI.

So what’s the intended use being planned for this new technologic wonder?
What are you looking forward to and excel compared to your existing inventory?
Does it hopefully replace a platform, compliment or create a new avenue for your talents?
You replacing a Inspire 2 and MFT lens, a Mavic 2 or a Typhoon H-Plus... both 1“ Sensors.
Where is the 360 OA going to serve you better than current crafts?

I'm on the order list too, due hopefully before March 2020. But frankly, I really don’t have a “need” or planned replacement on the table either. Just a cool new craft to explore and maybe develop a unique need and scope.

Kinda like the new little Mini Mavic... certainly isn’t replacing existing, but may be useful (as Apps improve) in a new tangent. I will say, it flies indoors better than Tellos, Spark or MA. Able to transverse my home, up stairs, down halls... while sitting in kitchen. Very smooth little flyer... and other than being “cute”, really no intended rational, just a popular craft... and boy is it, pretty good sales.

Whst’s your intended usage for the Skydio 2 ?
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The Skydio 2 camera seems to do well in testing against the Mavic 2 Pro.
These tests were paid for by Skydio but done by an independent company so make of them what you will.
It will be my go to, all purpose photography drone. I live in the mountains with trees and rocks all around every place I want to fly. I do lots of whitewater kayaking, rafting, mountain biking and love to shoot those subjects. No drone I have tested has been able to follow these subjects well and their obstacle avoidance has been really inadequate.
For regular landscape shots, the Skydio should be much better in my environment. With mountains and cliffs close, I often can't get GPS lock with my Mavic or other drones. The Skydio doesn't need GPS. It can also look up farther without props in view which has been a problem with the Mavic. With the Skydio, I should be able to fly much closer to objects and concentrate on camera work and not worry about crashing so much.
The Skydio 2 camera seems to do well in testing against the Mavic 2 Pro.
These tests were paid for by Skydio but done by an independent company so make of them what you will.
It will be my go to, all purpose photography drone. I live in the mountains with trees and rocks all around every place I want to fly. I do lots of whitewater kayaking, rafting, mountain biking and love to shoot those subjects. No drone I have tested has been able to follow these subjects well and their obstacle avoidance has been really inadequate.
For regular landscape shots, the Skydio should be much better in my environment. With mountains and cliffs close, I often can't get GPS lock with my Mavic or other drones. The Skydio doesn't need GPS. It can also look up farther without props in view which has been a problem with the Mavic. With the Skydio, I should be able to fly much closer to objects and concentrate on camera work and not worry about crashing so much.
I'd totally see your use of the S2. Right down it's target focus... autonomous tracking.

I'll need to re-read on the GPS requirement. If outside, I wasn't aware it wasn't using GPS. I'd agree GPS not needed when tracking a subject for the subject, but for placement & location I'd still think it'd need GPS. To fly terrain survey mapping or missions around a home or set of structures, I'd assume GPS is providing land placement.

Camera, a 2/3rd is a good camera. How it performs and how it compares will need to be determined. I've not accepted the over rated DJI tests on their cameras, normally found close but not what several independent resources conclude.

Ya, for your usage... it'd be a great platform.
Unless you’re into tracking I don’t think you appreciate the advancements Skydio is bringing to the table. I do high speed vehicle follow and use the 3DR Solo, Halo, Typhoon H and Anafi currently. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. Solo still has the best most cinematic moves with the least restrictions; Solo’s biggest downside is props in shot. In fact they all suffer from props in shot except for Anafi.

Anafi is a marvel of engineering, using optical and GPS for tracking (like the S2) it stays on target and frames the shot well. Anafi has some cool trick shots but is not as refined as Solo. Anafi cannot track above 25 mph well or in high winds.

Speed and resistance to wind is where the Typhoon H shines. The H can top 43 MPH in follow and 25 MPH winds are not a problem, I take my H on most shoots for the speed and bad weather, the 360 degree gimbal can get shots the others can’t. The H batteries are susceptible to the cold and hauling around the ST16 can be a pain.

Halo is a powerful but misunderstood drone. Halo is complex to operate and has a beacon like tracking device like the S2. Halo is fast but not as fast as the H. Halo is very smooth and has dynamic altitude for elevation changes. Halo can get awesome follow shots but takes a lot of effort and time to set up.

DJI is worthless for vehicle follow AT 1.0, 2.0 and GPS follow me all garbage.

I always monitor the position of my drone visually and through the app and maintain full pilot control during follow. I have too with no reliable OA.

I agree the S2 will change the status quo; having proper 360* OA means guys will throw it in the air and forget about it. It’s an amazing accomplishment that opens up new doors for guys like me so i can now fly through a forest, or SAR push through a complex environment and go where they couldn’t before.

I have a P4, MP, MP2... and I’m not so sure the S2 won’t replace them too. I use them on trips where manual flight is required with an excellent camera. The S2 having OA you can count on means more confidence; and, in an interview I saw with Adam Bry he said don’t underestimate the S2 camera as some reviews and lab tests have shown. I have no desire to fly in low light or at night.

Many seem to think the S2 is just a fancy follow drone; however, it can be flown like a M2 except with proper obstacle avoidance. I’m okay with the Anafi controller and stock range although I’m not a fan of the on-off switch. I hear range boosters will be offered but I’m not interested.

Here’s a glimpse of some of Anafi’s moves.

Unless you’re into tracking I don’t think you appreciate the advancements Skydio is bringing to the table. I do high speed vehicle follow and use the 3DR Solo, Halo, Typhoon H and Anafi currently. Each has its strengths and weaknesses. Solo still has the best most cinematic moves with the least restrictions; Solo’s biggest downside is props in shot. In fact they all suffer from props in shot except for Anafi.

Anafi is a marvel of engineering, using optical and GPS for tracking (like the S2) it stays on target and frames the shot well. Anafi has some cool trick shots but is not as refined as Solo. Anafi cannot track above 25 mph well or in high winds.

Speed and resistance to wind is where the Typhoon H shines. The H can top 43 MPH in follow and 25 MPH winds are not a problem, I take my H on most shoots for the speed and bad weather, the 360 degree gimbal can get shots the others can’t. The H batteries are susceptible to the cold and hauling around the ST16 can be a pain.

Halo is a powerful but misunderstood drone. Halo is complex to operate and has a beacon like tracking device like the S2. Halo is fast but not as fast as the H. Halo is very smooth and has dynamic altitude for elevation changes. Halo can get awesome follow shots but takes a lot of effort and time to set up.

DJI is worthless for vehicle follow AT 1.0, 2.0 and GPS follow me all garbage.

I always monitor the position of my drone visually and through the app and maintain full pilot control during follow. I have too with no reliable OA.

I agree the S2 will change the status quo; having proper 360* OA means guys will throw it in the air and forget about it. It’s an amazing accomplishment that opens up new doors for guys like me so i can now fly through a forest, or SAR push through a complex environment and go where they couldn’t before.

I have a P4, MP, MP2... and I’m not so sure the S2 won’t replace them too. I use them on trips where manual flight is required with an excellent camera. The S2 having OA you can count on means more confidence; and, in an interview I saw with Adam Bry he said don’t underestimate the S2 camera as some reviews and lab tests have shown. I have no desire to fly in low light or at night.

Many seem to think the S2 is just a fancy follow drone; however, it can be flown like a M2 except with proper obstacle avoidance. I’m okay with the Anafi controller and stock range although I’m not a fan of the on-off switch. I hear range boosters will be offered but I’m not interested.

Here’s a glimpse of some of Anafi’s moves.

Great video, and I’d agree the Anafi doesn’t get the attention it displays... great little platform.

The H is a good flyer, and as you indicated... One of the areas I personally dislike (others enjoy) is the ST16 controller. The screen size & placement, the operating system limitations and Yuneec‘s closed position to 3rd party. I have the H-pro and H520... both great but not used as much if they had more 3rd party support.

Intersting you’re using the Solo, that had great potential. The Halo started off with great press and reviews but hasn’t seemed to take off as expected. The wrist tracker was an interesting design... and yes, similar to S2.

I’ve been waiting for a new Anafi3 to Anafi Thernal 320. The Anafi’s autonomous flight options and tracking is very nicely designed.
I'd totally see your use of the S2. Right down it's target focus... autonomous tracking.

I'll need to re-read on the GPS requirement. If outside, I wasn't aware it wasn't using GPS. I'd agree GPS not needed when tracking a subject for the subject, but for placement & location I'd still think it'd need GPS. To fly terrain survey mapping or missions around a home or set of structures, I'd assume GPS is providing land placement.

Camera, a 2/3rd is a good camera. How it performs and how it compares will need to be determined. I've not accepted the over rated DJI tests on their cameras, normally found close but not what several independent resources conclude.

Ya, for your usage... it'd be a great platform.
The Skydio 2 does use GPS, but when it is not available, it can fly by optical environment mapping. The Mavic would only fly up to 30 feet without GPS. There is an example in this video, flying in a hollow near a waterfall. I have had this exact experience with my Mavic.
You really need both GPS and optical for proper tracking. If you go behind a tree or the camera aims into the sun having the GPS allows the drone to quickly reacquire. I do agree having the ability to fly optical alone is a nice backup but DJI Active Track has left me with a bad taste using optical alone.

I have flown my Solo 1/2 mile out orbiting my vehicle in follow with precision, optical alone is not good anywhere that distance.

Here my Anafi get blown for a loop in strong winds, look how fast GPS locks back in on target and I continue.

I can confirm the SD 2 does use GPS and will not let you take off without a gps lock. Should the drone get lost for whatever reason the GPS capability is what is going to tell the App where it was when it lost communications, hopefully that location is where it landed. Having the app open and connected isn't required when using the beacon but it only takes a few seconds to connect the app and then you have the LKP information if you need to find it.

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