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Skydio, DJI trade barbs on social media


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2019
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Another first.... the big guys are starting to enter the fray.... its going to get interesting...;)

DJI has to deal with the "we already fooled you once" concern. It's not just external criticism even employees of DJI are voicing security concerns; then you have the CCP involvement, who trusts them?

However DJI is the dominant force and that may push them through. Competition is a good thing and I hope Skydio and Autel are in the fray. The fact DJI is responding at all may signal things are changing.
If Skydio doesn't get bought out, the DJI ship is going the way of all other juggernauts ... and it isn't up.

Need other investments.... too bad Skydio hasn't gone public... I'd buy a FEW shares :giggle:
I agree a buyout is likely on the horizon. With Amazon and industry demanding this technology Skydio is a hot commodity.
Sony is releasing their own professlional level drone next year - I'm surprised they didn't buy Skydio's OA technology for it. Sony camera, skydio OA - that would be a great drone!

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