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Skydio shipping and "customer service"


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
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Update on Skydio 2 shipping issues: Long story short, I received my Skydio 2 about 2 weeks ago and ordered a pro case, dual battery charger and another set of props. They "took" my money right away but no indication of when they would ship. Several emails to Skydio got the same reply "as soon as possible" That with such a nebulous, non-answer. Today "Willie" from Skydio called me and said that he has no idea as to when my stuff will ship. I replied that such a thing could not be true and to call the operations or shipping dept or walk down the hall and see why people that have ordered their drone and accessories AFTER I DID, and have received their accessories. Willie said he couldn't do that.

UNBELIEVABLE. I asked him for name and contact info of CEO and he refused. He said "Google it".

This all leads me to believe, much to my chagrin, that Skydio won't make it as a business, especially with the likes of Evo 2, V-Coptr and "G_d only know whjat DJI will do next".

I will reach out to Adam Bry, the CEO (Willie Googled it for me) and keep you-all informed.

PS: At the time I orered my SKydio, I wanted to order accessories. They said, no need to pre-order now because we'll ship them when your Skydio ships, we have inventory. RIGHHHHT !
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That is concerning, but also in a thought path I started to share a month or so back. It will be disappointing if production, marketing & shipping do damage to the Skydio2. It does appear to be a great platform, particularly specific avenues.

I noticed same on ordering additional components. I was waiting for ship notice and the completion of order by adding batteries, charger, case & controllers.

The reaction you received in communications is a concern, and disappointing. With production & shipping delays a reality, I’d think Mgmt and communications would be helpful and optimistic encouraging “positive word of mouth“ advertising.
Guess I was lucky, ordered the Skydio on first day at 2:00 PM, EST, received it 12-23-2019. I ordered every accessory, the Beacon and dual charger arrived one week later. A week later I ordered the GPS case and it arrived a week later.
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Guess I was lucky, ordered the Skydio on first day at 2:00 PM, EST, received it 12-23-2019. I ordered every accessory, the Beacon and dual charger arrived one week later. A week later I ordered the GPS case and it arrived a week later.
That was pretty much my experience also. They only let me order 2 extra batteries with my order so I ordered another battery a few min after paying for the drone. The drone came a week before Christmas. The battery charger, filters and the extra battery came a few days later.
Yeah, guess I was lucky as well. Most of the stuff I ordered came as advertised. The dual charger arrived today finally, but in small print it said 4 weeks, which is about what it took. Everything else was pretty timely. We really have become an instant gratification society. Kinda scary if your in logistics.
Placed order back in late Oct, knew I was in the March batch... no problem with waiting. But not being able to add accessories at the time of order completion as previously indicated in pre-order so complete kit arrived is the concern... waiting additional weeks or unknown for batteries, case & dual charger as indicated by Op would be frustrating and poor logistics & marketing.

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