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Skydio support's response regarding my Skydio 2's crash

The most interesting thing for me in this thread, and elsewhere, is the claim that the Skydio 2 is actually WORSE at obstacle avoidance than the R1. As in, users having flown the R1 on certain places without problems and then crashing the 2 in the same place. I'd like to hear from more people who have flown both. Did the Skydio 2 OA seem better, worse, or about the same?

The R1 takes less risks it gets "stuck" more easily so you have to go back and collect it...
But the r1 props are better protected so it can bump into things without crashing.
Getting a free replacement drone before sending your other drone back is a policy that sends a very good message to Skydio's customers.

These guys definitely do seem to be breaking the "old" mold about how to treat their customers...
This is not true. I crashed my Skydio 2 and they want me to send it back for evaluation for a cost of $150.00.
Best you read the T&C's of the warranty.... free replacements are only offered if none of the warranty exceptions are involved. You did admit hitting a small branch did you not?
Best you read the T&C's of the warranty.... free replacements are only offered if none of the warranty exceptions are involved. You did admit hitting a small branch did you not?
From your response, I am assuming you are either a Skydio employee or a beneficiary? The T&C's of the warranty do not mention not flying near trees without leaves. Also, the drone's OA algorithm is in control of the flight, not the PIC, so how are they blaming users for it? Given the T&C's it would only be possible to fly the drone on flat unreflective surface in ideal light conditions with no obstacles. The T&Cs make it such that there is no way for anyone to claim warranty except in case of a software malfunction where the drone just drops out of the sky without hitting anything, but wait; I bought this drone because they claim in every marketing material and video on their site - “ Skydio 2 can see everything in every direction with unprecedented resolution and clarity. This is the foundation of trustworthy autonomous flight.”
Wrong on all counts.... the amount some expect from this drone boggles the imagination.

Not worth pursuing further,,,,,Good luck.
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At a minimum, One should expect the manufacturer to stand behind their marketing material and honor warranty and not hide behind the fine print. That is grounds for a Class Action Law Suit waiting to happen for dishonest and misleading business practices.
Agree to disagree.
I am having a similar experience. I would gladly pay for a replacement as i am in the middle of two jobs, but cannot get a response from support. It has been 4 days and the snow is melting fast here, snow is something I need for these 2 shoots. Im surprised as I paid for the premier/enterprise service.

footage from one of the shoots:


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