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Still missing audio files in 2021


May 7, 2021
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Sorry for the length of this. I have just added a note here that I have sent to Skydio's support team. I was wondering if anyone on this forum had any comments or suggestions or could HELP. I have seen this problem before or have not seen a proper resolution. I cannot believe that it is still a major issue two years after I saw complaints about it. BTW For my latest test I was using a Samsung Note 9 and the controller with wifi turned off on my phone until after landing when I turned it on and attached to Skydio's network. Audio recording was turned on.

email to Skydio support:
I am really concerned. I am new to Skydio 2 and I am having major problems finding the M4A files with any regularity. It appears that this was a known problem two years ago, but I have to believe that it has been solved since then. Creating clips and transferring them via wifi to my phone when it is time to switch batteries is not an option with the size of video files. I don't really care if you sync the audio and video or just provide me with both files. I have been mainly testing the beacon following me on my bike. I have ended up with M4A files on the Skydio SD card about 50% of the time. I don't know that I do anything different from one ride to the next. Today, I used up all three batteries working with the controller. My audio notes were important to me. Each time, after landing, I pressed the media button, kept the controller open and the Skydio still powered up. I found out that I needed to start wifi on my phone and attach it to the Skydio's wifi (this is the same technique that seems to work when using the beacon). The app then told me that the Skydio was syncing and it eventually showed me a screen with an icon for each video. Sometimes I had to wait a moment for the circles to stop turning on a video, presumably indicating that it was finished with its processing. Audio recording is turned on and has worked the last couple of times using the beacon. This time I recieved NO audio on any of my videos that I made today. I spent a few hours with the drone and used all three batteries and not one video had any audio and I couldn't find the M4A files anywhere. Hours later, after I found out that the M4A files were missing from the SD card, I tried starting the Skydio in my house, attaching the phone to the Skydio's wifi and then I pressed media as suggested in a forum. After pressing media, the app said it was syncing and showed me the media screen. I tried making a clip out of a 20 second video that I had (I know that you say this doesn't work if done after shutdown), I got a clip but there was no audio attached to it. When I play it, all I hear is silence. No M4A files recorded earlier in the day, got "synced"over to the SD card.

Is there no way that Skydio can store the M4A files that it collects on the phone in a directory that I can access. According to an internet forum, I could access these files if I rooted my phone which isn't going to happen. I understand that IOS users can access their audio files. I have an hour's worth of audio recorded somewhere on my phone that I don't appear to have access to and that I really want. Is there anything that I can do now? Is there anything that Skydio can do quickly to change the directory the recording is stored in? I have read the manuals, watched the flight school and additional videos and read the forums. As far as I can tell, I am doing everything right.
More often than not different OS are at the heart of unexpected results.

Android devices are continuously having their firmware updated with features that on the surface improve performance but which can easily cause problems when used with other software platforms like the S2.

Add to that different chipsets within the same model of Android phone/device makes it virtually impossible to assure everything plays well together after every firmware upgrade.

P.S. I don't envy Skydio's help group trying to help fix what's not completely in their control.
I'm having the same issue. I wish I could simply have direct access to the audio files on my phone. That would be fine. Syncing while in the field isn't practical.

I really don't understand how this isn't SOP.
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I thought that I had solved this problem when I got about 4 audio recordings saved in a row. Of course, still doing what I thought was exactly the same thing, I managed to only save 1 out of 4 videos that I made in one day. The first video had an audio file and none of the next three had any. It is the most frustrating thing, especially when it is my phone that is creating the audio file. I don't care if it ever gets copied to the Skydio SD card. All I want is access to the audio file on my phone hard drive. When Skydio starts recording and then saves the audio file, can't they just save it in a location that I can access? ......Jackie
No audio, no support, why is this issue on-going? Why do all companies no matter how advanced, rely on FAQ and forums? Answer the phone, if you get multiple calls on the same topic address it with your loyal customers across the board.
Seems simple.
I expect more from a company with this type of hardware/software, seemingly just like all other companies in today's market, I expected more.
1st flight, everything worked, no audio after that, I changed nothing.
Called and left messages for support on Thursday 7/1 no call backs.
Amazing tool but this is a major flaw and to read how long this has been a historic problem, this needs to be addressed by the company and sent to the owners. I am a major salesman and spokesman, positive and enthusiastic, may not last.
First major let down. Thanks to all for sharing the pains.
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Below is the email I sent to support. I am including it here so that I can then add their response for everyone to see. Hopefully they will precisely document every step to ensure that we have access to the audio files that are currently hidden..........Jackie
It appears that getting access to the audio files from an Android device is a major issue. Could you please document the EXACT procedure to get access to the audio files when using the app, the controller and the beacon? For example, when using the controller, I figured out that you need to turn wifi on and go to the media tab. I don't know if I have to disconnect the cable to the controller or even if I have to close the controller completely. Same issue with the beacon. I don't need or even want the audio sync'ed to the video due to time constraints when changing batteries. Please just document the precise steps that you believe will enable all of your Android users to access the audio files that are captured on their phones but not made available.
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I generally fly with the controller. I've had the most success, not 100%, by shutting down the controller and the drone. Then pairing phone directly to the drone and syncing the video. I have never been able to hear any audio when viewing on the phone.
My usual practice after flight is
  1. leaving controller plugged in sync files.
  2. give things time to see if everything is done syncing
  3. shut everything down remove card and, using an app, dump video files to computer. I never do any editing on a phone or tablet.
  4. In file manager check to see if all or some audio files are present, copy and past any audio files to same folder as video files.
  5. I all audio are not present put card back in drone, not using beacon or controller, pair to drone and do sync again, two or three times.
  6. Again check card in computer to see if any audio has been added. Many times there is.
I very rarely use any audio files. Recently did a flight that the main reason for it was to get the sound. Upon checking, the audio was missing. I tried this method and it did work. I spent the rest of the week checking to see if it worked everytime and, it seemed to work more than not.
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I'm struggling to get audio from a particular flight... the app just says "Preparing to sync flight" perpetually. I've literally let it run for hours and no love... I just need this **** audio file...

I have to say this is a serious design oversight in an otherwise wonderful product.
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All I can say is that Skydio knows about this since the very beginning, and they still did not fix this
I experienced this on 10+ different devices. Both Apple and Android.
Last edited:
I generally fly with the controller. I've had the most success, not 100%, by shutting down the controller and the drone. Then pairing phone directly to the drone and syncing the video. I have never been able to hear any audio when viewing on the phone.
My usual practice after flight is
  1. leaving controller plugged in sync files.
  2. give things time to see if everything is done syncing
  3. shut everything down remove card and, using an app, dump video files to computer. I never do any editing on a phone or tablet.
  4. In file manager check to see if all or some audio files are present, copy and past any audio files to same folder as video files.
  5. I all audio are not present put card back in drone, not using beacon or controller, pair to drone and do sync again, two or three times.
  6. Again check card in computer to see if any audio has been added. Many times there is.
I very rarely use any audio files. Recently did a flight that the main reason for it was to get the sound. Upon checking, the audio was missing. I tried this method and it did work. I spent the rest of the week checking to see if it worked everytime and, it seemed to work more than not.
Could you share with us what phone (make & model) you used when you were able to get an audio recording?

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