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Strange behavior of S2 during my first ever flight.


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Nov 15, 2020
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Hi friends. So few days ago I received my S2 and after watching some youtube videos I decided to test it today. I decided to fly it over closed road in the near park and no power lines was the reason to pick this spot. So my first impressions were very positive since Skydio behaved almost perfectly, following me mostly from the front, avoiding branches and trees while I was riding my electric scooter. The problematic moment happened on my way back to the launching point when battery was at the 20% level. It suddenly ascended for no reason high in the air, flying into nearby trees but not hitting them. I was so scared that I didn't know what to do, how to bring it back to me with beacon and phone only as it was my first flight. So Instead of pressing the minus button on the beacon to call it back, I flew it over the trees losing it from my sight since the road was overgrown with trees on both sides. In meantime the battery level dropped to 10% and I was standing there staring at trees trying to spot my drone and figure out how to bring it back to my position and then safely land. I heard it somewhere over my head, tried all possible buttons on my beacon and phone but could not figured out which one could help me bringing it back. In meantime the battery level dropped to 3% and I just got panicked. It was the moment when I realized that I would probably lose it , because I didn't believe I would be able to find it somewhere in the park after an emergency landing. But it was also the moment in which I decided to use the minus button on the beacon since I remembered that it was the button that decrease the distance between drone and user. To my suprise S2 showed up like 50 feet over my head so I landed it immediately. What a relief! It turned out that the battery has this hidden power, not indicated in the app that allows the drone flies a little longer than expected. It saved my day and drone! So Even though the story happily ended I still don't understand why S2 behaved in such a strange way, ascending without any reason into the trees. Because If it happen one time, it will surely happen again. Of course I'm still going to fly it but now I have to be prepare better for such situations, to know what to do and how to use beacon to land it safely..
To me it sounds like it lost lock on you, the minus button has been great for me, it reels it in close enough so I can orient it for landing.

I go until I get the low battery beep, hit stop on the beacon, press the minus, watch it come in, then I use wand function to position it over an area I can walk up to easily. Hit land and walk under it with my hand out. It's become very routine.

I wouldn't count on hidden juice in the battery, when I got into a similar situation I've had it just land when it was down around 1%, luckily there was no drama with the landing.

I wouldn't call it strange behavior, you're still learning this drone. Once you're more familiar with it you can look at the app and see if it's lost it's lock, you'll also learn to recognize areas where it's more likely to have problems and you'll deal with those a little differently or more carefully.
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Hi friends. So few days ago I received my S2 and after watching some youtube videos I decided to test it today. I decided to fly it over closed road in the near park and no power lines was the reason to pick this spot. So my first impressions were very positive since Skydio behaved almost perfectly, following me mostly from the front, avoiding branches and trees while I was riding my electric scooter. The problematic moment happened on my way back to the launching point when battery was at the 20% level. It suddenly ascended for no reason high in the air, flying into nearby trees but not hitting them. I was so scared that I didn't know what to do, how to bring it back to me with beacon and phone only as it was my first flight. So Instead of pressing the minus button on the beacon to call it back, I flew it over the trees losing it from my sight since the road was overgrown with trees on both sides. In meantime the battery level dropped to 10% and I was standing there staring at trees trying to spot my drone and figure out how to bring it back to my position and then safely land. I heard it somewhere over my head, tried all possible buttons on my beacon and phone but could not figured out which one could help me bringing it back. In meantime the battery level dropped to 3% and I just got panicked. It was the moment when I realized that I would probably lose it , because I didn't believe I would be able to find it somewhere in the park after an emergency landing. But it was also the moment in which I decided to use the minus button on the beacon since I remembered that it was the button that decrease the distance between drone and user. To my suprise S2 showed up like 50 feet over my head so I landed it immediately. What a relief! It turned out that the battery has this hidden power, not indicated in the app that allows the drone flies a little longer than expected. It saved my day and drone! So Even though the story happily ended I still don't understand why S2 behaved in such a strange way, ascending without any reason into the trees. Because If it happen one time, it will surely happen again. Of course I'm still going to fly it but now I have to be prepare better for such situations, to know what to do and how to use beacon to land it safely..
Thanks for taking the time to recap your flight in such a helpful way.

Learning what goes through other pilots thoughts when faced with emergency situations is a good learning tool for all of us.
Thank you for your rep guys. It is always good knowing that ppl have similar issues with S2 and how they deal with them. The only difference is that they are more advanced users, prepared for such a turn events, not like me, freshman with beacon in the hand hitting all possible buttons, hoping for miracle..That really taught me to take a few lessons before seriously droning with Skydio. This drone really is next level one but to use it without problems you must create a symbiosis with it , predict its movement the same way it predicts yours. It is possible but it demands a little practice. Otherwise, sooner or later you gonna crash it..
Glad you get it back SalsaDura. That was a close call. I don't like the beacon as I don't have any manual control like the remote controller does.
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