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Too Many Problems?


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Feb 25, 2021
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Thanks in advance,

I have been looking into buying my first drone and don’t want to make a mistake, I want something with excellent photographic capabilities with the maximum colision avoidance. My main use will be creating images from a sky eye perspective.

I settled on the S2 as the AI and colision avoidance capabilities seen awesome for a beginner, BUT, so many people have problems here, it seems I should wait for major improvements or the next generation?

The Air 2 has many more satisfied users and simple & easy repair history. Can anyone convince me this is a bad conclusion? Thx Amigos.
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No problems here, just a few dirty camera warnings and a gps notification. I fly only with the controller and have from day one, I haven’t had any flight issues. The S2 can be intimidating, I prefer full control for now using the controller.
Sounds like you've already talked yourself into the A2, second thoughts going into a $1000 purchase isn't a good idea. There's a good chance you'll second guess your purchase the entire time you own it.

The choice is pretty simple, if you want follow and to avoid stuff get the SD2, if you want range, smaller package, and longer flight time get the DJI. They're at different ends of the spectrum IRT their strengths and weaknesses. If you expect ether one to do well what the other is good at you'll be sadly disappointed.

Regarding problems, you're on one of the few forums dedicated to the SD2, it's natural for folks to come here to discuss their issues. Same thing happens on DJI forums and you're kidding yourself if you think that they don't discuss similar types of problems. The difference is that the DJI platform has been out for years with incremental changes. It's not new for many of the owners, the learning curve isn't steep, lots of information is out there regarding its use. For 99.99% of the SD2 owners the first time they saw this drone in person was when UPS dropped it off at their door, few have actually seen one fly prior to their first flight.
If we have a question, don't understand something or think there's an issue we can't call our buddy with an SD2 because it's a good bet none have one so they come here to ask about issues, some are real, some are the owners learning the nuances of this platform. It's not wise to base any expensive decision on feedback from a forum, they are almost always skewed toward addressing problems ether real or imagined.

A far better question would be to ask if the owners regret the purchase and if so, why.
I have no regrets at all buying the S2, I have dozens of Drones and my S2 has its place. I bought it for its AO to fly my heavily wooded Ranch, and so far so good. The S2 wasn’t really intended for my use but the AO is and it works. This forum is very professionally run and the attitudes toward helping are second to none. I belong to several of the other big manufacturers forums and a lot of Brand bashing goes on. The Skydio group is defiantly dedicated to getting the most out of their S2.
I love my Skydio 2 but then I've had many multirotors over the years. Plainly? Unless you want selfie action shots I'd not buy the Skydio 2 as my first-for-aerial-photography drone. All of the other platforms I've flown have a better feel to them, are more responsive, and have longer connection range than does the Skydio. Plus the Skydio controller is easily the worst of the lot that I've flown.
With all of that above, the Skydio is really, really good at what it was designed for. Incredible obstacle avoidance and great at following *you*. If that is your purpose then by all means..
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Some good suggestions in his thread but one not yet discussed is how well your choice of manufacturer backs up its warranties.

If you're planning to use the drone in a variety of different locations sooner or later you'll run into "Murphy" and the drone will strike something and crash.

Whether you're a new pilot or one that's flown for years, lifting the threat of not always being being 100% aware of your surroundings is well worth some of the S2's shortcomings discussed earlier.

The difference that makes is a night and day difference on how enjoyable flying a drone becomes.
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Some good suggestions in his thread but one not yet discussed is how well your choice of manufacturer backs up its warranties.

If you're planning to use the drone in a variety of different locations sooner or later you'll run into "Murphy" and the drone will strike something and crash.

Whether you're a new pilot or one that's flown for years, lifting the threat of not always being being 100% aware of your surroundings is well worth some of the S2's shortcomings discussed earlier.

The difference that makes is a night and day difference on how enjoyable flying a drone becomes.
Couldn’t agree more, I’ve learned not to put all your faith in AO technology. There have been some big claims in the past on AO, I got caught up in Yuneec Real Sense Typhoon H 4-5 years back. I plopped down 1600$ early on and all I got was a regular H with acoustic AO. I’m confident Skydio has a great product and can only imagine what they have in store for the S3.

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