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Updated my X10, now it's not responding


New member
Jun 17, 2024
Reaction score
New update has grounded my X10.
In between inspections last Friday I knew I had a decent drive between inspection sites and figured I would update the controller, then the drone while on the way. Dummy me knows better (coming from a matrice 300rtk), but I did it anyways because updating has always been fast and reliable.

I've since left a message with skydio's tech support (REALLY surprised I didn't get someone on the phone) and awaiting a response.

If I start the controller up, all is well. But if I turn on the drone, it never connects and thinks the battery voltage is too low on the battery (trust me, it's full), and yes, I've tried it all, between new batteries, connecting to the controller, and even plugging the drone directly into a power source as if it's charging to see if I can get it to update.

Still nothing.
I think you have answered my question on the customer support issue
Has anyone else have a same customer support problem.
I was thinking of perching the x10

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