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Waterproof Beacon


Jul 1, 2020
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Has anyone found a good way to waterproof the beacon. This phone case is too large and bulky.


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What about those camping dry bags? I used these on my motorcycle. Waterproof and a lanyard to attach to an anchor. Waterproof big time. unnamed-2.jpg
I seem to remember I got a few different sized ones at REI.
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That’s not bad. I’m trying to find the smallest one available that will fit the beacon without being to large and dangling
Idea... you can get one of these cheap waterproof bags, and take a heat gun to it with the Beacon inside. The bag will deform and hug to the chassis/buttons of the Beacon. Just have to be careful with the temps, but the stuff the Beacon is made out of will handle a tremendous amount of heat compared to these cheap bags. Should work wonders. No more dealing with the Beacon slipping around or difficult-to-read screen.
Idea... you can get one of these cheap waterproof bags, and take a heat gun to it with the Beacon inside. The bag will deform and hug to the chassis/buttons of the Beacon. Just have to be careful with the temps, but the stuff the Beacon is made out of will handle a tremendous amount of heat compared to these cheap bags. Should work wonders. No more dealing with the Beacon slipping around or difficult-to-read screen.
See™ Pouch | Accessories | SealLine solves the problem nicely. Size small
Skydio is missing out on accessory sales BIG TIME! They really need to step their beacon accessory game up! Why don't they have things like a bike mount, waterproof case, car mount, you know all of the bells & whistles that someone like GoPro offers, etc??? They would sell these easily, I can't believe there aren't even any third party companies out there designing any either.
Anyone know if they have future plans to design and sell anything like this in the future?
Inserting it into a clear Condom seems to be pretty popular. Thin enough to be able to feel the buttons without having to look at the beacon.
I would say there aren't many people how have clocked up as much over-water flying with this drone than myself, last I counted I was up around 120 hours or something!

I just use a small waterproof phone pouch from Overboard, have a wrist lanyard attached and hold it in my hand while riding my eFoil - https://www.instagram.com/reel/CW1VnpMBgdb/

As you can see from that clip I fly at my own risk with the height floor off and in conditions that are against Skydio safe operating guidelines, so you absolutely need to be able to commander the drone at any time

Sure a legit housing would be great, but it's not that inconvenient using my set-up really

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