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Recent content by Airwolf

  1. A

    3D Scan compared to Leica RTC360

    Interesting points that got me thinking. I'm going to have to find a computer that has Agisoft Photoscan so I can manually stich the photos together to see if what you are alluding to might be the issue. I don't have authorization to install any other software to process the photos. Not...
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    3D Scan Map capture

    Yes, you can't see the image because the on-board processing produced only that as the model. What was the flight elevation you set for your mapping in that model above? We set ours to 220 feet above launch point. So, if it can only do a scan on a flat surface than it is completely useless for...
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    3D Scan Map capture

    Using 3D Scan Map capture on the Skydio X10 and I am not getting a proper model when the scan is completed, and the images are processed? Any ideas? I am scanning a post wildfire area with a 60% slope on average. Area is about 20 acres. Since I can't upload a tiff imager here I have attached a...
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    3D Scan compared to Leica RTC360

    Using 3D Scan Map capture on the Skydio X10 and I am not getting a proper model when the scan is completed, and the images are processed? Any ideas? I am scanning a post wildfire area with a 60% slope on average. Area is about 20 acres. Since I can't upload a tiff imager here I have attached a...
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    The thing is that I just don't have the 5G option at all. The only time the globe is marked with a green check is when I'm connected to WiFi in the office. When flying the globe has a red x. I do not see 5G in any pull down menus.
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    Hello, I have just been given an X10 300-Z for my use on the job. I was just trained on it and one thing I and others have discovered is that the manual and any operational material is presented extremely plainly, almost as if it is intended for someone who has very little knowledge of drones...
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    X10 pilot in Tx

    I too have just been given an X10 for my use on the job. I was just trained on it and one thing I and others have discovered is that is that the manual and any operational material is presented extremely plainly, almost as if it is intended for someone who has very little knowledge of drones, as...
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    New X10

    Hello, I hope your experience with the X10 is going well. I would really love to get some feedback from people that are flying the X10. I too will be using it for mapping and video and pictures mostly. I have the 300-Z. I have many questions about the X10 and some issues too. I would love to get...
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    Skydio 2+ not updating

    Thanks, the Samsung Galaxy S21 came with Android 11 when it was first released. I am now running Android 13. I have a Skydio 2 (non plus) and have used the same phone on it not have the same issue. It also appears Skydio is not answering help tickets from current customers despite stating they...
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    Skydio 2+ not updating

    So I recently purchased a "lightly" used Skydio 2+ from someone and everything checks out fine, but it is not updated to the latest firmware and reports an error when trying to "CHECK FOR UPDATE". I do not have the Panorama or RID features so that was my first clue to it not being updated to the...
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    Dual Charger charge in parallel

    Wow, I never saw that @lidocaineus and @Ridefreak posted these videos. Thank you for them. I still have the same issues. I'll see if I can post a video of both the batteries lights while on the charger and only one increasing in charge until done then the other battery increasing. It might be...
  12. A

    How to prompt the "Learn to Fly" experience

    I have found that if I uninstall the controller program app from my mobile device (phone) and reinstall it, the LERN TO FLY option defaults to the first thing that you can do and is therefore accessible. You might try uninstalling and reinstalling.
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    Offline Waypoint Define

    Yes, the Skydio 2 and the Skydio 2+ can do offline waypoints but as @BlueHeeler stated you would need the Enterprise software which requires contacting Skydio. You will have to make a case as to why you "deserve" it! I am not sure why Skydio did not add this feature when even DJI knock off...
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    no legal way to fly Skydio 2?

    Haha! I think he really means that every "drone" pilot "must" maintain visual line of sight. But that's just it: MAINTAIN! I have always wondered if that means actually NEVER taking your eyes off the "drone" meaning you couldn't even look at the controller for any reason or if it meant that you...
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    Skydio is pivoting to enterprise — its consumer drones are dead / After establishing an enterprise business, it’s pivoting that way entirely.

    I hear you. I was sad, but not surprised about this. As soon as Skydio went into the Enterprise side of things I saw they were plotting a course away from consumer. When they introduced the X2 and finally the Dock I knew it was a forgone conclusion. Alos, the fact that their software, like the...