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Recent content by dash

  1. dash

    $850 plus tax to fix a broken off gimbal!!!!!

    I dont have the drone back yet. The only picture i have are the ones i added on the opening post.
  2. dash

    $850 plus tax to fix a broken off gimbal!!!!!

    Thanks i am a DIY guy. According to Skydio i need the Gimbal and Main board.
  3. dash

    $850 plus tax to fix a broken off gimbal!!!!!

    According to Skydio the main board is damaged. The frame is completely intact and i don't see how this is possible. None the less i only have 2 options. 1. Pay additional $600 on top of the $150 i already paid. 2. Eat the costs of everything and sell the parts i have. I am not happy with Skydio...
  4. dash

    $850 plus tax to fix a broken off gimbal!!!!!

    So update on this. They are offering $100 off as i complained to them. I paid the $150 as stated before already but i would need to shell out the $600 to get a fixed drone back. I am debating on what i should do. Either way i will not be keeping the S2. I will be letting all my drone friends...
  5. dash

    $850 plus tax to fix a broken off gimbal!!!!!

    I am floored at the quote i just recieved from skydio to fix my S2. I paid them $150 to get it diagnosed and they came back with $700 plus tax to fix it. The drone was still fine but the gimbal broke off and the cable wires broke some as well. See pictures. Wondering anyone else's experience...
  6. dash

    Trouble connecting Skydio2, controller, and app

    I have found what Andrew says to work pretty good. Every time i have got a disconnected or searching message it was due to my Phone trying to connect directly to the SD2 Wifi. Using the procedure above it seems this limits the possibility to connect directly to the SD2 and forces the connection...
  7. dash

    Do Not Fly In The Cold and Into Somewhere Warm!

    Me too. I may contact skydio and see what the thought on that would be. True but when trying to get some cool where shots from inside to outside or vise versa with 0 cuts, this could happen. Simply accepting this as a possibility and knowing what the outcome should allow the user to accept any...
  8. dash

    V17 error

    What brand of sd do you have? Also I would try to format it fresh using a PC. I picked up a san disk extreme 128gb from Amazon as that is the same one Skydio tries selling. That one works great.
  9. dash

    Pro Case Thoughts and Slot Designations

    I was thinking the top slot was for a tablet. That is where I put 2 full sets of props though. They fit just not as cleanly as everything else. I put cables in the lower right space as I don't have anything that would go there.
  10. dash

    Do Not Fly In The Cold and Into Somewhere Warm!

    Hah that makes sense. I know my glasses fog up like crazy. There is a coating you can put on glasses to keep the fogging down. Wonder if it would work on the SD2?
  11. dash

    Hello from Michigan

    I have a friend in GR. Well Wyoming but close enough. In the spring/summer we should get a Central point for a Meetup.
  12. dash

    Hello from Michigan

    I have taken it out on my property in the trails i have and it did well. It would be cool to meet a fellow SD2 pilot in the area. We will have to definitely plan a meet up.
  13. dash

    Pro Case Thoughts and Slot Designations

    I received the pro case today and it is really nice. Worth the $199?, well that is up to you. For me it was the custom fit and supporting multiple American companies. I have resources to buy a cheap Harbor Freight case and custom laser or cnc cut some foam but my time is worth the $199 price...
  14. dash

    Telemetry question

    I can confirm that telemetry is working on my Android device. If you check the notes on the app in the Google Play, you will see notes for telemetry and the last update date of December 23rd. I also have used it to fly with both the beacon and controller and it always shows the telemetry. Pretty...
  15. dash

    Fly aways

    I have also had it lock on to another person a few times. A couple times it was family members in which we do look similar to each other so that was understandable. The other times it locked onto other people with entirely different physical looks and clothes. I had to cancel motion tracking and...