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4-29-20 Update from the Skydio CEO


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Dec 15, 2019
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Promises to be some very interesting news from Adam Bry the Skydio CEO ... April 29 at 9:00 PM EST

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Kind of a strange interview ... almost appeared wires got crossed some where in setting up the interview.

Didn't learn to much (nice to have confirmation on where the S2's antennas are) but Adams 5 month old daughter stole the show.

The fact that OriginaldoBo had some positive second thoughts about how fun the S2 (his second) is to fly was interesting.

Also saw once again how difficult it is for one person to properly do a live stream.
I got my S2 the end January (was ordered Oct 1) and delivered to my winter home in Florida. Up until last nights live stream I have been very leery of flying over water as per everything we heard from Skydio. My take away from last night is it's ok as long as the light is good. I'll soon leave for my home in Ohio that is in a small lake community. I'll see after my quarantine how the S2 compares to my MA1 flying over and around our lake.

I am impressed with the video straight out of the S2 during what little I have flown it here. Clear crisp excellent color video and photos. I'm not a photographer but love to make great video and photos.

I absolutely loathe the controller. I'm an old fart who doesn't skate board or mountain bike. I know I saw the same hype everyone else did but bought the S2 after I saw it flown under bridges and into buildings. That makes it unique to me. Just wish they could team up with someone who makes a real controller. From what we heard last night that ain't gonna happen. Thank you all for your time.

Fly smart and fly safe.
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I got my S2 the end January (was ordered Oct 1) and delivered to my winter home in Florida. Up until last nights live stream I have been very leery of flying over water as per everything we heard from Skydio. My take away from last night is it's ok as long as the light is good. I'll soon leave for my home in Ohio that is in a small lake community. I'll see after my quarantine how the S2 compares to my MA1 flying over and around our lake.

I am impressed with the video straight out of the S2 during what little I have flown it here. Clear crisp excellent color video and photos. I'm not a photographer but love to make great video and photos.

I absolutely loathe the controller. I'm an old fart who doesn't skate board or mountain bike. I know I saw the same hype everyone else did but bought the S2 after I saw it flown under bridges and into buildings. That makes it unique to me. Just wish they could team up with someone who makes a real controller. From what we heard last night that ain't gonna happen. Thank you all for your time.

Fly smart and fly safe.
If your flying near water also be sure to have the latest firmware loaded in each device (S2, controller and beacon) that your using,

I suspect that Skydio may have improved their firmware at least once since the Billie Kyle video when his S2 crashed into the water.

P.S. Not sure where in Ohio you live but I'm in NE Ohio very close to Lake Erie,
I absolutely loathe the controller. I'm an old fart who doesn't skate board or mountain bike. I know I saw the same hype everyone else did but bought the S2 after I saw it flown under bridges and into buildings. That makes it unique to me. Just wish they could team up with someone who makes a real controller. From what we heard last night that ain't gonna happen. Thank you all for your time.

Any particular reason that you don't like the controller? Trying to get some inputs as I'm still on the fence...

If your flying near water also be sure to have the latest firmware loaded in each device (S2, controller and beacon) that your using,

I suspect that Skydio may have improved their firmware at least once since the Billie Kyle video when his S2 crashed into the water.

P.S. Not sure where in Ohio you live but I'm in NE Ohio very close to Lake Erie,

I'm in northern Ashland county about an hour or so south west of Cleveland. Actually in the middle of a huge Amish area
Any particular reason that you don't like the controller? Trying to get some inputs as I'm still on the fence...


After flying the DJI with a compact but well built and thought out controller the S2 controller feels like a toy. Feels flimsy and I think it's part of the reason the S2 wifi has been a problem for so many of us. As long as you are flying close in say 300 to 500 yards you'll be fine depending on the topography. I have the beacon because I bought everything that was offered. The S2 itself is a really a good drone.
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Any particular reason that you don't like the controller? Trying to get some inputs as I'm still on the fence...

What I don't like about the controller is the automatic ON/OFF when you flip up the Antenna/holder.
inserting phone is major PITA, if you have phone with certain type of case or curved back on your device it will just pop out. Extremely poor design.
Sticks are too short for precise control.
Won't criticize the range since that problem is on the drone side not problem with the controller.

What I like is USB-C and those levers for gimbal pitch and Zoom.
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The controller sticks feel toyish. When the XSMax pops out, the antenna / tension mechanism pushes the phone down on the sticks.

You would’ve thought AnaFi knew the size of phones and their minimalist cases before they designed these things.

I would like to see a range upgrade not so much for distance but penetration. If I’m maneuvering around and behind objects with the amazing OA, I don’t want to lose signal. I think the camera is really good for the sensor size.
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The controller sticks feel toyish. When the XSMax pops out, the antenna / tension mechanism pushes the phone down on the sticks.

You would’ve thought AnaFi knew the size of phones and their minimalist cases before they designed these things.

I would like to see a range upgrade not so much for distance but penetration. If I’m maneuvering around and behind objects with the amazing OA, I don’t want to lose signal. I think the camera is really good for the sensor size.
Exactly, even my beacon likes to disconnect once in the while if I turn away, and the beacon is not in line of sight. S2 is within 200ft (camera facing me), and all this in middle of nowhere, so no interference. When it happened the first time and the beacon started buzzing that woke me up ?
Zoom works on Skydio 2?
It works different way the camera zoom, here is explanation from the controller manual:

The right paddle allows you to zoom in and out of the current view by commanding Skydio 2 to fly
directly forwards or backwards in relation to the current camera pitch. When used in combination
with the gimbal control and Boost feature, this allows for dramatic FPV style flying.
It works different way the camera zoom, here is explanation from the controller manual:

The right paddle allows you to zoom in and out of the current view by commanding Skydio 2 to fly
directly forwards or backwards in relation to the current camera pitch. When used in combination
with the gimbal control and Boost feature, this allows for dramatic FPV style flying.
Needs a video to illustrate......

// But conditions are about to change. Skydio informs DroneDJ that its production is about to come back online. “We’re stoked to be able to start shipping drones out to our loyal (and very patient) customers,” the company tells DroneDJ. Skydio didn’t offer specific details about when products would start shipping again and in what kind of volumes, however. Placing an order on the site still brings up a message that California manufacturing has been temporarily halted. //
Skydio should have been putting out more information updates during the pandemic its struggling with in California but there's only so many ways it can say all is at mercy of how the virus situation evolves.

Better communication .... YES but to announce specifics would be foolish.
Skydio should have been putting out more information updates during the pandemic its struggling with in California but there's only so many ways it can say all is at mercy of how the virus situation evolves.

Better communication .... YES but to announce specifics would be foolish.
Yes, Skydio can only follow the rules. For instance they don't have the weight of Elon Musk to force re-open the production facility.

Anyhow I'm glad that the curve is flattening, that's the most important, wishing health for everyone.

Yes, Skydio can only follow the rules. For instance they don't have the weight of Elon Musk to force re-open the production facility.

Anyhow I'm glad that the curve is flattening, that's the most important, wishing health for everyone.

It's definitely a rough time for a small startup company.... fingers crossed we'll all weather the storm and come out of this healthy.

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