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[RESOLVED] Anyone been able to contact support lately? My ongoing support Saga moves like molasses.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2020
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I'd like to think this is fluke, but support has gone to shite. My Skydio 2 started throwing V30 sensor errors l on September 5th after minor crash, no damage, one side of a prop broke. I promptly uploaded my logs that night and sent email support request. I got reply on the 6th that it was labor day and they'd get back to me. No problem. Well 2 days, then 3 days went by so I replied to the mail just requesting confirmation that they received my logs. I waited.. nothing. 5 days past, replied to the email again, and send another new support request. Then I called support. It basically spits you to voicemail after two minutes. so I left a voicemail. Monday morning, started calling support at 8:59am, straight to voicemail, I called in a loop for an hour, same thing 2 minutes spits you to voicemail. Left a voicemail again. Waiting..waiting... calling support again today, in a loop for an hour eventually defeated leaving voicemail. Nothing. Now it's the 14th, over a week since I sent the initial request, multiple voicemails, emails. No response. Pretty frustrated and it was never like this in all the support requests I've had in the past year and half. Ugh!

What the hell happened to support? I've had some delays in the past but I'm feeling like there is no support when they don't even reply to your mail at all. Anyone getting through?
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My last contact with support was bad, but not that bad. It took a little over a week for them to get back to me about my video glitching. I fixed it myself before they responded by formatting my SD card inside the drone a few times (sometimes it says that it formatted, but actually didn't).
My last contact with support was bad, but not that bad. It took a little over a week for them to get back to me about my video glitching. I fixed it myself before they responded by formatting my SD card inside the drone a few times (sometimes it says that it formatted, but actually didn't).
Yeah they've always been relatively responsive to me in the past. In the least they could reply to my mail or phone call to let me know they will contact me soon but I'm getting totally ghosted.

Fully bumming me out cause I really love this drone and I've had decent support in the past. I'd like to try to factory reset to see if it will fix the issue but I don't want to make any move until they instruct me to do so. The drone isn't damaged in any way, not even a mark from the crash. It was weird where it crashed to because it was pretty much in the open. I do see a small branch towards the end before the video cut out, but it's way out of the frame in lower right and the drone is already past it before the video cut.
Latest update is no update. Two weeks now since I sent my original request with no reply except for the form reply when you first submit a request. This is ridiculous. I get being backlogged but not even responding, giving any kind of update is horrible. I'd be satisfied if they at least acknowledged my request and told me they'd get back to me soon. I've tried calling several days, last week I'd call in a loop for an hour in the morning and late afternoon. When you call you get put on hold for two minutes and it dumps to voicemail. I've left five messages now for callback, three email requests. I'm a pretty loyal Skydio fan but I'm really bummed about current state of support. I wish there's something I could do but I feel powerless.

Whatever you do, don't break your Skydio right now!
We'll they finally got back to me. I had reached out to someone inside Skydio not sure if that helped but 48 hours later they finally returned my mail after over two weeks. They requested I upload single flight for them to review outside the full logs I already sent. They've concluded it is out of warranty issue due to striking an branch.

I do see it go by a branch, upper right frame of the video but it seems to be well out of frame and clear it. The video doesn't cut out till a few seconds later drone is well in the open by then, audio goes on a couple seconds after till when I got disconnect from the beacon. When it happened I actually saw the drone swing around me in wide arc consistent with motion tracking by that group of logs on the ground up by front rider (me). So it travelled another at least 25+ft till it crashed. That's last time I saw it. I'm guessing 3D cameras show a different story. Admittingly I was pushing the envelope tracking in this burnt forest, lots of obstacles.

What do you think?


I wish I could see the feed from the 3D cameras. Settle my doubts some. With that, guess I'm down for a while, Since there's no physical damage to the drone hoping there's just a loose connection somewhere and it's not costly. We'll see how long the turn around is for repair. Hopefully I get it back by winter. ;)
In my ongoing support saga, it's been another week with no response from support. Three emails, one phone call nothing. Last contact was last Thursday. I'm really loosing my faith in Skydio and feeling abandoned. So bummed right now that it's taking so long for a simple email response, 1 week and counting to send me address for repair is stupid. I want to box this up and send it to them already. Why is it so hard to reply?
Thanks to @backsideDisasterFlicks for sharing the video before his drone crashed so I could do some analysis on it.

I was able to estimate the flight track during the 48 second flight and create some videos showing that flight track in the environment from different camera angles.

The video can be viewed on YoutTube at:

Flight Track Analysis - Skydio2 Crash (YouTube)


- Mike Heath
Thanks to @backsideDisasterFlicks for sharing the video before his drone crashed so I could do some analysis on it.

I was able to estimate the flight track during the 48 second flight and create some videos showing that flight track in the environment from different camera angles.

The video can be viewed on YoutTube at:

Flight Track Analysis - Skydio2 Crash (YouTube)

View attachment 443

- Mike Heath
This is so awesome. Thanks again Mike for doing this. The rendering at the end is really cool, it's questionable what it hit, but given the one side of a broken prop I'm guessing it hit a branch that was just enough to break off one side of the prop which then destabilized the drone resulting in the crash.

In other news, Skydio was rad enough to post an #featuredflyer extended cut of one of my recent shots to their Instagram last night, to which I promptly thanked them for and requested they have support contact me. We'll it's day 9 since last reply from Skydio and I finally got a reply this afternoon with RMA. They asked a bunch more questions and I sent immediate reply with photos. So, continuing to move like molasses over here but making progress I guess.
Mine is moving slower than molasses as well. Not hearing back at all, no matter how many voicemails I leave and how many emails I send. I've now been without a drone for 2 whole months. This is a really poorly-managed organization.
Mine is moving slower than molasses as well. Not hearing back at all, no matter how many voicemails I leave and how many emails I send. I've now been without a drone for 2 whole months. This is a really poorly-managed organization.
Yeah it's fawcked. Sorry to hear your going through this as well. I FINALLY got RMA on mine last Friday (10/08/2021) so there is some light at the end of this hellacious tunnel. Mailed mine off on Monday morning. They say 4-6 days until they return with an estimate. I'm guessing it's going to be more like 4-6 weeks. My prime filming season is winter so I really hope I get it back by November.

I'll keep posting updates as this moves along. I have been in contact with the social media manager at Skydio since they feature a lot of my content. He did relay something to the effect that there's some changes to support and apologized for how bad it is so they definitely know it's an issue. One thing is for sure I'm gonna be hella paranoid when I get my Skydio back not to crash it. I'll for sure be scaling back how much risk I take.
I am getting responses to my issue. Sure, not immediately, but seems within reason to me, at least so far. Possibly my issue is simpler, so it takes a different level of respondent than what your crash requires.
Well well things are moving. I got mail this morning, my drone has been evaluated and I just sent payment for repair. $550. Ugh. I'm pretty surprised how many things they have to replace. There was no physical damaged indicated on the outside. I have to say this is my 3rd Skydio in just under two years. These things are hella fragile when they go down..
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Well well things are moving. I got mail this morning, my drone has been evaluated and I just sent payment for repair. $550. Ugh. I'm pretty surprised how many things they have to replace. There was no physical damaged indicated on the outside. I have to say this is my 3rd Skydio in just under two years. These things are hella fragile when they go down..
View attachment 462
Yikes! For as solid as they feel, you'd think it would hold together better. Then again, that main logic board may have cracked or something and that might be a good chunk of the expense. Hopefully the fix will be quick.
Yikes! For as solid as they feel, you'd think it would hold together better. Then again, that main logic board may have cracked or something and that might be a good chunk of the expense. Hopefully the fix will be quick.
Yeah I've sent two to the ground both times they imploded. Probably has something to do with weight maybe. I hate to admit how many drones I crash but in same time period I've owned the Skydio 2 I've sent my Mavic Air 2 into trees three times. Last time it hung up in some old growth about 50 feet up, bounced off a couple branches then hit the ground. Only thing that broke was one foot and indicator light on the arm. Other times just a little tree sap and some broken props.
AND IT's BACK! Showed up Sunday night FedEx. Looks like they sent me a whole new drone instead of repairing mine, new wifi name all my FAA stickers are gone inside and out, new props, updated to 15.10.17 firmware. No indication it was used, I think my props had some marks on them at least from the crash, so unless they replaced every single thing it's a new one. Not going to complain.

So end to end, I submitted first contact with tech support September 5th, after week+ delays between each email it took about 7 weeks to get it fixed back in my hands. I shipped it to them October 11th, not sure when they got it, FedEx still says it's in transit. I thought FedEX lost it till they sent me the invoice on 10/21. They shipped it 10/22 and it showed up 10/24. I'm so happy it's back I almost forgive all the transgressions that happened from September to mid October.

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