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Audio cutting out when moving.

Nov 7, 2022
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Howdy folks. I'm new here. I'm having an issue with audio recording with my S2+. I'm using an Android (11) phone with a PowerdeWise 3.5mm jacked lapel mic. The mic has a windsock installed. I'm using the S2+ while off road riding (motorcycle). When standing still, the audio is crystal clear....when moving the audio just cuts out randomly. I checked the jack connection and it is solid (no wiggle). I'm guessing this is being caused by wind noise suppression in the Android. I've searched for settings for this but have come up empty. Oddly, once in a while I have no issues and recording doesn't cut out.... but the majority of the time, the problem is horrible. Any ideas? Anyone else seen this? Thanks for any help!
Have you tried a dead cat on the mic? Motorcycle audio presents a unique wind noise problem, it's often disrupted air around the helmet and since your head can turn it's often coming from slightly different angles. Hence the sometimes it works and others it doesn't. I don't use that same kind of mic setup but often film in the wind. It's always hit or miss to some extent. The setup I saw that worked pretty well at speed was a remote mic with a dead cat cover inside a full face helmet with one of those small wind covers that often come with the helmet and are attached to front rim and goes across under you chin. The guy could talk at speed yet you still heard the motor and not a bunch of howling or the AGC cutting out in the recorded audio.
Have you tried a dead cat on the mic? Motorcycle audio presents a unique wind noise problem, it's often disrupted air around the helmet and since your head can turn it's often coming from slightly different angles. Hence the sometimes it works and others it doesn't. I don't use that same kind of mic setup but often film in the wind. It's always hit or miss to some extent. The setup I saw that worked pretty well at speed was a remote mic with a dead cat cover inside a full face helmet with one of those small wind covers that often come with the helmet and are attached to front rim and goes across under you chin. The guy could talk at speed yet you still heard the motor and not a bunch of howling or the AGC cutting out in the recorded audio.

I'm not sure what a "dead cat" was, I had to look it up. I will give that a try.

I don't have the mic in or on my helmet. I'm not doing any "blogging", I'm recording mostly to pick up engine sounds and the occasional rock going "gong" off the skid plate...lol. I mount the mic with the little magnet to the gas tank Usually where it's out of the way of wind.

Thanks for the response!
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So I tried out the little "dead cat" balls for the mic.... it didn't help. :(

The mic manufacturer says it's due to the noise cancelling feature. Would be nice if you could disable or turn it down some.
So I tried out the little "dead cat" balls for the mic.... it didn't help. :(

The mic manufacturer says it's due to the noise cancelling feature. Would be nice if you could disable or turn it down some.
I'd do some looking around at different mics and placement options. There's lots of people that successfully record the same sounds you are describing. I suspect mic placement is going to have a huge impact on what you hear and how clear it is. If you want the motor sounds I'd suggest getting it completely out of the wind, then all you're dealing with is the engine's volume. I've been fighting similar issues since the GoPro came out, you can hear it on this video and it all but ruins what I was trying to accomplish. That one was filmed with a hero 5 which is known for having terrible sound, the newer Heros are considerably better.
I'd do some looking around at different mics and placement options. There's lots of people that successfully record the same sounds you are describing. I suspect mic placement is going to have a huge impact on what you hear and how clear it is. If you want the motor sounds I'd suggest getting it completely out of the wind, then all you're dealing with is the engine's volume. I've been fighting similar issues since the GoPro came out, you can hear it on this video and it all but ruins what I was trying to accomplish. That one was filmed with a hero 5 which is known for having terrible sound, the newer Heros are considerably better.

The mic I have seems to be a pretty good one, I don't see much else that isn't a knock off.

Funny thing is, sometimes it will record without any issues at all (given the same mount point and riding speed/etc)

I'll try a few more locations to see if it works.

Appreciate the tips!

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