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Back to 1975... all of the saved media files have this date


Jan 23, 2021
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All of the media files on the SD card on my skydio 2 are being written with dates in 1975. Skydio told me to factory reset everything. Problem persists. They said to start with the app, not the beacon, but I've not yet used the beacon. So.... this makes a mess of the file structure and transferring them to a computer. Anyone else experience this? Any ideas?

I just had a look at mine and the created date is correct, but the modified dates are all in February and 1975. Very interesting. I have just been creating separate folders for each flight.
Mine files have all been recorded with the date 1975 since I got it.
all of mine are for an incorrect time zone at least that's my gut feel of it. media creation date 2021/03/16 5:57 pm media modified 2021/03/16 11:57 pm. So I'm in mountain time zone and its in UTC. Not sure if i care enough to risk a factory reset. Is it a concern or just an anoyance
all of mine are for an incorrect time zone at least that's my gut feel of it. media creation date 2021/03/16 5:57 pm media modified 2021/03/16 11:57 pm. So I'm in mountain time zone and its in UTC. Not sure if i care enough to risk a factory reset. Is it a concern or just an anoyance
Is there any update to this. I’m a newbie and am noticing my file creation dates are all 1975. I’m also noticing that no audio files (m4a) are being created. Looks like resetting the drone should be my next step, but what are the risks? Thanks for any offered advice!
I just got mine, haven't flown yet but have taken a few pictures. I just checked date, date taken, date modified and date created are all the same. I use a program to take files off of a card. It puts files in a folder for each day and camera so it's important to me. It has put everything in the proper places. I don't have any video files yet so can't say.
I just got mine, haven't flown yet but have taken a few pictures. I just checked date, date taken, date modified and date created are all the same. I use a program to take files off of a card. It puts files in a folder for each day and camera so it's important to me. It has put everything in the proper places. I don't have any video files yet so can't say.
I had mine a few weeks but have only done a handful of flights. What platform are you using to view the media files and what program are you using to import & file the photos. I'm using a Win10 laptop and when viewing the files via File Explorer, they all have a date of 2/17/1975 vs the date taken. The 1975 date shows up in the date modified field and the date created field is blank. If I use the import photos tool, it too shows the date as 2/17/1975.

I have been cutting the files from the SD card and then pasting them into work folder, so the dates have gotten corrected along the way. However, if I shot a number of short flights over a period of days it would get confusing looking at the files. BTW - I am using the Skydio supplied memory card which was formatted in the drone.
I had mine a few weeks but have only done a handful of flights. What platform are you using to view the media files and what program are you using to import & file the photos. I'm using a Win10 laptop and when viewing the files via File Explorer, they all have a date of 2/17/1975 vs the date taken. The 1975 date shows up in the date modified field and the date created field is blank. If I use the import photos tool, it too shows the date as 2/17/1975.

I have been cutting the files from the SD card and then pasting them into work folder, so the dates have gotten corrected along the way. However, if I shot a number of short flights over a period of days it would get confusing looking at the files. BTW - I am using the Skydio supplied memory card which was formatted in the drone.

I had mine a few weeks but have only done a handful of flights. What platform are you using to view the media files and what program are you using to import & file the photos. I'm using a Win10 laptop and when viewing the files via File Explorer, they all have a date of 2/17/1975 vs the date taken. The 1975 date shows up in the date modified field and the date created field is blank. If I use the import photos tool, it too shows the date as 2/17/1975.

I have been cutting the files from the SD card and then pasting them into work folder, so the dates have gotten corrected along the way. However, if I shot a number of short flights over a period of days it would get confusing looking at the files. BTW - I am using the Skydio supplied memory card which was formatted in the drone.
I use Downloader Pro from Breeze systems. It's very versatile, You can map all of your cameras to make all kinds of files. I sort by camera and date. I just did a bunch of files from the Skydio. After mapping it it put the jpgs and mov files in a folder it created. For some reason it skipped 3 mov files I had to do them manually but since the file had been created it was easy. It won't do the sound files though.
Not sure about the dates. I did notice that all of mine were dated correctly but some had time of day wrong.
I use Downloader Pro from Breeze systems. It's very versatile, You can map all of your cameras to make all kinds of files. I sort by camera and date. I just did a bunch of files from the Skydio. After mapping it it put the jpgs and mov files in a folder it created. For some reason it skipped 3 mov files I had to do them manually but since the file had been created it was easy. It won't do the sound files though.
Not sure about the dates. I did notice that all of mine were dated correctly but some had time of day wrong.
Thanks - I too, use Downloader Pro but haven't tried with the drone yet. I guess there should be 3 files generated for each flight (Video, Audio, Thumbnail) so I need to check this some more to see if I really have a problem.
Thanks - I too, use Downloader Pro but haven't tried with the drone yet. I guess there should be 3 files generated for each flight (Video, Audio, Thumbnail) so I need to check this some more to see if I really have a problem.
It won't do the audio file, at least I haven't gotten it to yet. It's simple to just grab them and put in the folder created by DP
Agreed - I was mistaken as there are actually four files generated. The fourth being a low res video file.
Agreed - I was mistaken as there are actually four files generated. The fourth being a low res video file.
Looks like you have to remap each time you insert a card, still makes it easier to sort though.

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